I'm Moving On....

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Mar 29, 2016
Hello foxcrafters,

I've been around on this server for 2 1/2 years, many have been longer but i honestly couldn't care, 2 years or more is a long time, I've met so many different people across different parts within Fox. I would like to like some of my irl friends that actually introduced me to the server. So i'm now quitting fox, and minecraft sort of, depends if my friends want me to play with them. Besides, i'm going to mention a lot of people who i've got know across Foxcraft;

@cloakfox Thankyou for making this server, i've been in a couple of calls with you and they were fun n all, good luck with the server for the future!

@Avatarking_ One of my older bros, we've had so many memories and so much that we know about each other, of course i'll stay in contact and I will always be here if needed! love you older bro <3 Will miss you loads!

@Ronster_ Ronn!!! bby! We've had a hella lot of memories aswell, your are also like an older brother (like avy) and I hope we stay in touch because you have always made me laugh <3 Will miss you so much!

@Snaz_ Sn(azzzz) i love you! We haven't spoken that much recently and its really upsetting to be honest, but I will always remember the times we pranked Total (Papito) with Pancakes and rainbow hula hoops <3

@TotalMM Ayyy Papii, I've known you since you've joined the server, I helped you become more known within creative with your strip club xd you were always a good friend and always great to talk to, Good Luck with everything!

@Remierik Known u for a while too, you're a good pvper and it was nice to be good mates :)

@shastaredwolf Emmaaaa, Ups then downs, then were at the middle, you're my soccer buddy and we could just insult one another and not care, it was great having someone close and i won't forget the times we have had :)

@jnocero Who r u again?

@Mechz Mechh, my swedish hoe! i'm gonna miss those whipping wars on snapchat but we've had good times like giving avy and shadow talks about periods XD

@ProGio767 Er, nice knowing u

@iStrqfeL Hoe hoee!!!! I've known u roughly since i've been on Foxcraft, always shipped me with people cause ur annoying like that, but we've had good memories and i wont forget :)

@Yoahi Hey Stinky, thanks for all the good times, the crap times, and the helpful times! will miss you just like everyone else :)

@Rashidullah I'm calling u Jaywiz cause im savage but.. the calls we did have were great and it was nice to know you and all the good times we had!

@Faast James, james ,james, You probably won't look at the forums, but you're the one of the best friends i've had here (sorry others) thanks for the good times and the sad times but the good will power over those!
miss you loads and love you like a younger brother <3

@DontLiee Stalker person that likes pretty much everything after a while, nice knowing u!

*All People i've met on creative 2 years ago*

It was lit when i was 13 lol, thanks for those memories even tho like all u guys quit!

*All people i've met on sglacier*

Most of u quit but thanks for all supporting my nugget addiction and all u dutch kids still trigger me and all the beef, it was great thanks for the memories!

*All people i've met on kitpvp*

Most of u are probably better at pvp then me but i don't care! Thanks for all the fun and stupid memories i've got cause they were good times and all the rage :) and if u got killed by me... how did i do that XD

*All people i've met on factions*

I loved the beef and all the fights that i didn't take part in and how useless i really was XD thanks for more memories

Thanks Foxcraft for the past few years, I know i've missed alot of people but you should know by now that its effort to type, thankyou and will miss you all for the great memories and all the beef :)

I've mainly quit due to starting college and being outside with my friends more and basically just growing up a little, but i'm still my crazy self!

(also those i added on snapchat.... I have removed everyone, message me on discord or whatever else you have in order to keep in touch!)

Goodbye Fox!

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Reactions: Snaz_
It was a pleasure to have you in our community, Smelly. We definitely had our ups and downs ranging from being close friends to hating eachother with a passion, but I'm glad in the end we ended on a good note. The times we spent together like making the museum or the family house, and even some of the calls we had, especially the one on New Years (Just forget the cringey parts of that call :p) were always a lot of fun and I'm thankful I had them with you. You were always an active player and I'm sure I can speak for many of us when I say I'm glad that I had the chance to meet and befriend you. Maybe sometime in the future you should hmu and tell me how life has been treating you :p Good luck on whatever you do next and have a wonderful life, Taryn. Goodbye~
I'm glad you're moving on, and good luck, since being away from FC is never easy! We had some good times Tazz, but you really should have got helper, dunno why that never happened.
Anyways, good luck in the future!
But but but That's so sad!!! :'( Thank you too for all the memories Sissyyy <3 We had a blast! And keep the Nuggets alive :D

Hope you visit us once in a while !!! Whenever you get bored for example :p
It was a pleasure to have you in our community, Smelly. We definitely had our ups and downs ranging from being close friends to hating eachother with a passion, but I'm glad in the end we ended on a good note. The times we spent together like making the museum or the family house, and even some of the calls we had, especially the one on New Years (Just forget the cringey parts of that call :p) were always a lot of fun and I'm thankful I had them with you. You were always an active player and I'm sure I can speak for many of us when I say I'm glad that I had the chance to meet and befriend you. Maybe sometime in the future you should hmu and tell me how life has been treating you :p Good luck on whatever you do next and have a wonderful life, Taryn.
Thankyou Owen! and i'll hit u up and tell u bout life :p
I'm glad you're moving on, and good luck, since being away from FC is never easy! We had some good times Tazz, but you really should have got helper, dunno why that never happened.
Anyways, good luck in the future!
Awh thanks, thankyou for the memories aswell <3 (pssttt ask the staff why XD)
But but but That's so sad!!! :'( Thank you too for all the memories Sissyyy <3 We had a blast! And keep the Nuggets alive :D

Hope you visit us once in a while !!! Whenever you get bored for example :p
One of the bestfriends I've ever met in my life thank you for always being there for me :) Goodluck with the next part of your life!
Goodbye. You may or may not remember me, but I remember you. See you around :)
Hello foxcrafters,

I've been around on this server for 2 1/2 years, many have been longer but i honestly couldn't care, 2 years or more is a long time, I've met so many different people across different parts within Fox. I would like to like some of my irl friends that actually introduced me to the server. So i'm now quitting fox, and minecraft sort of, depends if my friends want me to play with them. Besides, i'm going to mention a lot of people who i've got know across Foxcraft;

@cloakfox Thankyou for making this server, i've been in a couple of calls with you and they were fun n all, good luck with the server for the future!

@Avatarking_ One of my older bros, we've had so many memories and so much that we know about each other, of course i'll stay in contact and I will always be here if needed! love you older bro <3 Will miss you loads!

@Ronster_ Ronn!!! bby! We've had a hella lot of memories aswell, your are also like an older brother (like avy) and I hope we stay in touch because you have always made me laugh <3 Will miss you so much!

@Snaz_ Sn(azzzz) i love you! We haven't spoken that much recently and its really upsetting to be honest, but I will always remember the times we pranked Total (Papito) with Pancakes and rainbow hula hoops <3

@TotalMM Ayyy Papii, I've known you since you've joined the server, I helped you become more known within creative with your strip club xd you were always a good friend and always great to talk to, Good Luck with everything!

@Remierik Known u for a while too, you're a good pvper and it was nice to be good mates :)

@shastaredwolf Emmaaaa, Ups then downs, then were at the middle, you're my soccer buddy and we could just insult one another and not care, it was great having someone close and i won't forget the times we have had :)

@jnocero Who r u again?

@Mechz Mechh, my swedish hoe! i'm gonna miss those whipping wars on snapchat but we've had good times like giving avy and shadow talks about periods XD

@ProGio767 Er, nice knowing u

@iStrqfeL Hoe hoee!!!! I've known u roughly since i've been on Foxcraft, always shipped me with people cause ur annoying like that, but we've had good memories and i wont forget :)

@Yoahi Hey Stinky, thanks for all the good times, the crap times, and the helpful times! will miss you just like everyone else :)

@Rashidullah I'm calling u Jaywiz cause im savage but.. the calls we did have were great and it was nice to know you and all the good times we had!

@Faast James, james ,james, You probably won't look at the forums, but you're the one of the best friends i've had here (sorry others) thanks for the good times and the sad times but the good will power over those!
miss you loads and love you like a younger brother <3

@DontLiee Stalker person that likes pretty much everything after a while, nice knowing u!

*All People i've met on creative 2 years ago*

It was lit when i was 13 lol, thanks for those memories even tho like all u guys quit!

*All people i've met on sglacier*

Most of u quit but thanks for all supporting my nugget addiction and all u dutch kids still trigger me and all the beef, it was great thanks for the memories!

*All people i've met on kitpvp*

Most of u are probably better at pvp then me but i don't care! Thanks for all the fun and stupid memories i've got cause they were good times and all the rage :) and if u got killed by me... how did i do that XD

*All people i've met on factions*

I loved the beef and all the fights that i didn't take part in and how useless i really was XD thanks for more memories

Thanks Foxcraft for the past few years, I know i've missed alot of people but you should know by now that its effort to type, thankyou and will miss you all for the great memories and all the beef :)

I've mainly quit due to starting college and being outside with my friends more and basically just growing up a little, but i'm still my crazy self!

(also those i added on snapchat.... I have removed everyone, message me on discord or whatever else you have in order to keep in touch!)

Goodbye Fox!

No @Chillyns ok, rip, hope you do good in the real world!
Saucy <3

It was nice to meet you. Rip Rip potato chip. Its ya boy, chips ahoy. Have a good life outside of MC.
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