New to the Server

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New Member
Aug 12, 2017
Hey, my name is GamerNoa. I joined Foxcraft a few weeks ago. I absolutely love this server and I'm on it every day! I would totally wanna become a staff one day, and help out any new players that need help with anything. I hope u enjoy ur day and bye!
Hey, my name is GamerNoa. I joined Foxcraft a few weeks ago. I absolutely love this server and I'm on it every day! I would totally wanna become a staff one day, and help out any new players that need help with anything. I hope u enjoy ur day and bye!
Welcome to da forums
Hey, my name is GamerNoa. I joined Foxcraft a few weeks ago. I absolutely love this server and I'm on it every day! I would totally wanna become a staff one day, and help out any new players that need help with anything. I hope u enjoy ur day and bye!
It's kinda like a family Foxcraft and I think you'll fit in you can find me on any mode except survival
Howdy there young man! Welcome to the family friendly fox craft community!
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