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Mar 9, 2016
Japan Town
hi, my name is iCumbo. Just letting ma baers know I'm quitting, and I will be on very rarely. Special shout out to the Dutch army of kitpvp and I'll see you all around sometime... I will play again when kitpvp is reset.
hi, my name is iCumbo. Just letting ma baers know I'm quitting, and I will be on very rarely. Special shout out to the Dutch army of kitpvp and I'll see you all around sometime... I will play again when kitpvp is reset.
Good bye! I hope you'll come back.
Where was I in this "Dutch army" Ik bedoel maatje ik ben ook nederlands, jammer dat je gaat en ik hoop dat je nog een keer terug komt.
hi, my name is iCumbo. Just letting ma baers know I'm quitting, and I will be on very rarely. Special shout out to the Dutch army of kitpvp and I'll see you all around sometime... I will play again when kitpvp is reset.
sad to see a fellow bear leave, but baiiiiiiiiiii :(
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