omfg how many times do we have to talk

This season was too OP. What should be done?

  • Nothing, the server is fine with 12 randoms and 2 players on it

    Votes: 5 20.8%
  • Fix this season and don't reset and hope people start playing again

    Votes: 2 8.3%
  • Reset Fmagma now and fix everything and have people start playing

    Votes: 17 70.8%

  • Total voters
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Mar 7, 2016
North Korea
So last season lots of people quit because there wasn't enough changes. This season tons of people have quit because there are too many changes.

It's been 3 weeks and there are 15 people on.14 minus myself and 12 of them are randoms that don't pvp and don't know how the hell to play factions.
I made two forums posts about this ( and multiple profile comments but I'm not sure that even @Avatarking_ and his gang bang of Mortae kids would come back to play this season even if custom enchants were removed, pvp was nerfed, and cannons worked.

So were not even 1/3 of the way done with this season and Mortae has already called it quits. Kind of sad to be honest because now there aren't many other factions worth fighting against and there is never any pvp, and if there is, the fights last maybbbbe a minute because gear breaks too fast.

So I know that @ProbationZ said they should just reset everything and start over. And if you do, here is a list of what to add that I think a lot of people can agree on
  1. Fully working cannons. This means 230 autos, fushions, regen busters, everything (see
  2. LESS custom enchants. Here is a list of the custom enchants to add: Waterbreathing, Nightvision, Rejuvination, Well Fed, Auto Speed, Auto Jump, Lucky, Ice Aspect, Life Leech, Venom, Slowness, Electrocute, Withering, Multishoot, Withered Arrows, Poison Arrows, Flashing Arrows, Auto Smelt, Regain, Reinforced, Excavation
  3. NO AXE MCMMO - pvp gets too repetitive and boring and pay to win with axe mcmmo. Just legit remove it so its about swords.
  4. Here's an idea. A faction season is 3 months right. So every month, change what you can get from the koth key and make it better.
  5. Honestly I think it would be cool if you there was no ***** claims for a week. For all those new kids who don't know what ***** claims are, its when you put claims outside of someone elses to stop them from being able to build their base. Because basically right now you have to have 100+ power on day 1 to be able to avoid being *****-ed and it makes building god bases early on much harder. Other than that, add cool stuff like new perks and **** that's not too op.
  6. Also, since you're fixing cannoning, disable explosions for 1 week to give people time to put up their bases in peace
  7. Please remove speed 10
  8. Here is a idea for you. Make mining spawners with silk 75% drop rate like it currently is. But. If you mine your spawners with your hand, it will drop at a 100% rate. Mining with your hand obviously takes much much longer and would prevent people from mining their spawners while getting raided and over night when they log off.

If @Avatarking_ and @MortaeFaction don't play than there's no point to play because there will be no competition and no pvp. So lets have a conversation about this.
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Duped spawners every where, broken pvp. People with huge advantages having tons of dust in their pvs. Creeper eggs break obby, this season in all is just broken. Which is why nobody is playing. Should just go back to the original with vanilla generated worlds, and the regular custom enchants, with maybe a couple other changes. I agree with this suggestion, magma needs to be reset early unless factions is going to be nailed into a coffin for another 2 months.
Duped spawners every where, broken pvp. People with huge advantages having tons of dust in their pvs. Creeper eggs break obby, this season in all is just broken. Which is why nobody is playing. Should just go back to the original with vanilla generated worlds, and the regular custom enchants, with maybe a couple other changes. I agree with this suggestion, magma needs to be reset early unless factions is going to be nailed into a coffin for another 2 months.
very well said! This season just had too many problems. Cloak I like what you are trying to do with mixing up the content but this season just wasn't good from day 1
very well said! This season just had too many problems. Cloak I like what you are trying to do with mixing up the content but this season just wasn't good from day 1
Yeah hopefully this will not continue to the next season of facs, at least we now know we dislike it and it should go back to normal next season if it does not get reset in these 2 months.
Yeah hopefully this will not continue to the next season of facs, at least we now know we dislike it and it should go back to normal next season if it does not get reset in these 2 months.
If it doesn't reset soon I think Foxcraft factions will not be a thing anymore. I will probably quit if this season doesn't get reset soon
Just 1 problem with this. People buyed things in game. Like money,tokens, power and that things.
Buycraft has logs of everything people have purchased. Cloak needs to look at the logs from 7/7 to now for factions and redeem everything that was purchased.
i 100% agree with this i have just came back to play this season and i have been enchanting like crazy and i have been getting all other enchants besides the ones i need
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I really want a reset, plus only have one factions server instead of 2 just to make it more lively on the server, In my opinion custom enchants are a bust, you already have to spend hours opon hours building your base and making gsets is just annoying, I think it should just be p4 unbreak 3 pvp.
I really want a reset, plus only have one factions server instead of 2 just to make it more lively on the server, In my opinion custom enchants are a bust, you already have to spend hours opon hours building your base and making gsets is just annoying, I think it should just be p4 unbreak 3 pvp.
eww i leik custom enchants
Id rather see cannons fixed and spend more time working on my base than sitting and grinding for hours to end up getting the absolute worst enchants.
ya thats why I said add back all the old enchants from fcove except even less.
6 armor enchants
7 sword enchants
4 bow enchants
and no axe mcmmo
working cannons

you could make a godset in probs less than 20 minutes and a godsword in that same amount of time. Easy.
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ya thats why I said add back all the old enchants from fcove except even less.
6 armor enchants
8 sword enchants
4 bow enchants
and no axe mcmmo
working cannons

you could make a godset in probs less than 20 minutes and a godsword in that same amount of time. Easy.
That would be fine but id still like normal better but that's ok if that what it came down to.
fmagma is a deadweight right now and its literally dead. @cloakfox its only stupid to not reset fmagma and let it and your factions server die. Fmagma had too many problems (Dupe glitch @ start, dust/black scrools/white scrolls were too cheap at start, spawners turning into pig spawners, spawners costing 50k to "dupe", custom enchants are unbalanced asf, gear breaks too fast, dragon egg dupe glitch and end island platform glitch, and ofc broken cannons) so lets clean this up and start out fresh.

Also I am the Joseph Stalin of Tacos
I've been in desecrator since 2012 if not longer, so im pretty sure im apart of desecrator..I was mod from the beginning with rcm and runbutter
AVatar and master sniper took over from them and that dese today which I'm apart of, not saying you aren't but Yoahi stole it off us.
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