Message to the people of the minecraft community...

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In recent time, there has been something that's a ****** to this community; Minecraft pedophilles.

Now, I shouldn't have to say this (partially because most should already know this) but I feel compelled to...

Just because you get friendly with someone doesn't make them trustworthy. This here is my opinion; I believe that people should not trust each other, humans by nature, are evil creatures. I'm not saying we're all bad all the time, and we shouldn't seek to socialize with others, on the contrary, I encourage having conversations or having fun with others (as long as it's safe and not breaking the law). However, be wary because no one is truly innocent.

Popular Minecraft youtubers such as "L for Leeeeee " and "Lionmaker" have been exposed for having pedophillic intentions. These youtubers and others have been seen as innocent in the past because they've gained the trust of many.

I'm just trying to send out a message to be cautious, after all most of you are too stpuid, i mean ignorant, so I felt the need to say this.

Be safe everyone.

This information is disturbing, but useful.
It was already in my saved files when I opened it, So I don't really know.
I trust :D
Minecraft pedos are sad, here's why.. First off they try and get girls number/personalinfo/skype etc.. Cause they can't do it in realife.. so they try and get horny over a 3+ game, That is why they are sad..
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