Okay I know this thread is gona stir up a lot of hate, but the only reason Im making this thread is because empire made another recruitment thread.
The Warriors Recruitment thread.
For the few of you that didn't know The Warriors was originally made to end the empire. But after empire left for a while we just started building a few bases and having fun. Now empire is back and we have to start acting again, so I am making this recruitment thread so that you guys can join my team and stop the empire from doing their bad things to the Survival server. (I will get more into what empire does to the server in a minute)
Ok so The Warriors are currently in need of more members so we are going to let you guys apply, almost anybody can get in (unless you are currently an empire member, or if I know you are an empire spy, or a spy for another team). To apply all you need to do it copy the template and paste it into a comment, (if you are hoping to be a spy for us and you dont want anyone to know that you are going to be in our team send your application in a PM to me)
Ok now onto what the bad things empire has done. Okay so if you have seen the empire posts on forums, you will realize that many of them are saying that empire is good and warriors is bad. One way they show warriors is bad is by saying we raid bases. That is WRONG we have never raided a base as a team, but empire has, and I have proof of it.

This was going to be our sky base, but then one of our members betrayed and decided to let empire take a visit. This just proves that we are not the team that "raids people" If you guys want I can show screen shots of other times they raided for fun. But this is suppose to be about recruiting members, not about how we are better than empire (even though we are)
Ok Here is the Template:
Benefits of being in TheWarriors: Although Ksmudger and _super_hans_ say that we dont care about our members, we really do. We do pay our members, just differently that you would think, you do not pay for your time in warriors, you pay you for what you do in the team. If you ever come up to me and say "so when am I gona be paid I have been in the team so long" I will friek out. One example on how I pay someone is, say that I needed an important job done for the team, if you did it, I will most likely pay you. I will not pay you for a small job, like getting me a stack of cobblestone so I can build that base myself. It must be a big job, but we do pay well.
(We plan on changing the design of our shield within the next week, so please don't make fun of how it looks like a lobster)
Thank you for taking your time for reading this. I understand that many of you are gona want to comment something hateful, but honestly, what's the point? It is just a waste of your time!
The Warriors Recruitment thread.
For the few of you that didn't know The Warriors was originally made to end the empire. But after empire left for a while we just started building a few bases and having fun. Now empire is back and we have to start acting again, so I am making this recruitment thread so that you guys can join my team and stop the empire from doing their bad things to the Survival server. (I will get more into what empire does to the server in a minute)
Ok so The Warriors are currently in need of more members so we are going to let you guys apply, almost anybody can get in (unless you are currently an empire member, or if I know you are an empire spy, or a spy for another team). To apply all you need to do it copy the template and paste it into a comment, (if you are hoping to be a spy for us and you dont want anyone to know that you are going to be in our team send your application in a PM to me)
Ok now onto what the bad things empire has done. Okay so if you have seen the empire posts on forums, you will realize that many of them are saying that empire is good and warriors is bad. One way they show warriors is bad is by saying we raid bases. That is WRONG we have never raided a base as a team, but empire has, and I have proof of it.

This was going to be our sky base, but then one of our members betrayed and decided to let empire take a visit. This just proves that we are not the team that "raids people" If you guys want I can show screen shots of other times they raided for fun. But this is suppose to be about recruiting members, not about how we are better than empire (even though we are)
Ok Here is the Template:
- In Game Name:
- In Game Rank:
- Name 3 Things you are good at (mining; building; etc.):
- What good things can you contribute to TheWarriors:
- About how long have you played Foxcraft Survival?
- Do you understand that even if you are not a warriors fighter, you may have to participate in a war:
- Do you understand that you may leave the team unpunished, but if you betray we will hunt you down until you have nothing left:
- Why Should we let you join TheWarriors
Benefits of being in TheWarriors: Although Ksmudger and _super_hans_ say that we dont care about our members, we really do. We do pay our members, just differently that you would think, you do not pay for your time in warriors, you pay you for what you do in the team. If you ever come up to me and say "so when am I gona be paid I have been in the team so long" I will friek out. One example on how I pay someone is, say that I needed an important job done for the team, if you did it, I will most likely pay you. I will not pay you for a small job, like getting me a stack of cobblestone so I can build that base myself. It must be a big job, but we do pay well.
(We plan on changing the design of our shield within the next week, so please don't make fun of how it looks like a lobster)
Thank you for taking your time for reading this. I understand that many of you are gona want to comment something hateful, but honestly, what's the point? It is just a waste of your time!