Survival Reset!!!!

Reset Survival

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    Votes: 9 56.3%
  • No

    Votes: 7 43.8%

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Mar 13, 2016
So... Over the past few days I have noticed there are quite a few inactive servers on Foxcraft that need to be "fixed" or reset. One of these is survival. So, survival... It's survival... Not factions. Raiding shouldn't happen and team should be very limited to 5 player, 10 for FoxKing. Also, land claiming shouldn't be a thing we need to have a block rule saying u must be a good distance away from another player's foundation. From my view survival needs a complete reset. No one every plays it anymore. In this reset there needs to be very few plugins. No balance bc it is survival... No shop get materials in wilderness. No custom enchants. Maybe even give 1.11 a chance on Foxcraft survival... Should be determined by a vote... Also no kits... It isn't factions. Agian no /God or /fly bc it's SURVIVAL. No grieving, one of the only plugins should be a grief preventer. Also, in my opinion don't do the biomes that are in factions... Just my opinion, what do u guys think?
..and let the debating war begin,
I disagree with basically everything that was said.
Well I believe survival needs a reset ad it isn't factions and there shouldn't be many plugins at all... What is your opinion @Zeas_
So... Over the past few days I have noticed there are quite a few inactive servers on Foxcraft that need to be "fixed" or reset. One of these is survival. So, survival... It's survival... Not factions. Raiding shouldn't happen and team should be very limited to 5 player, 10 for FoxKing. Also, land claiming shouldn't be a thing we need to have a block rule saying u must be a good distance away from another player's foundation. From my view survival needs a complete reset. No one every plays it anymore. In this reset there needs to be very few plugins. No balance bc it is survival... No shop get materials in wilderness. No custom enchants. Maybe even give 1.11 a chance on Foxcraft survival... Should be determined by a vote... Also no kits... It isn't factions. Agian no /God or /fly bc it's SURVIVAL. No grieving, one of the only plugins should be a grief preventer. Also, in my opinion don't do the biomes that are in factions... Just my opinion, what do u guys think?
I would love to see survival get reset, but I personally like the idea of people being able to raid. I dislike custom enchantments as well as mcmmo, as it usually just makes the game pay to win. No balance is a nice addition as well. I basically want to see survival like it was back when I played survival the most. We used to only have lockette signs, not claiming lol. I think it was 1.7.2 or something but this was the spawn:
I would love to see survival get reset, but I personally like the idea of people being able to raid. I dislike custom enchantments as well as mcmmo, as it usually just makes the game pay to win. No balance is a nice addition as well. I basically want to see survival like it was back when I played survival the most. We used to only have lockette signs, not claiming lol. I think it was 1.7.2 or something but this was the spawn:
Yeah I remember that spawn. I really liked survival whe it was like that... And I agree with no mcmmo! However I think Tnt cannoning shouldn't be allowed maybe if someone left a door open or something like that tho idk..
Well I believe survival needs a reset ad it isn't factions and there shouldn't be many plugins at all... What is your opinion @Zeas_
Well, first of all, I think you need to get your facts straight. You talk about this shop, but there isn't even one on the server, and there aren't any custom enchantments, nor is there /god, or /fly, the balance that you speak of was removed, and the current system is valueless, as there's no way to use it, and there aren't any factions biomes that you talk about. Plus, the server is, actually, 1.11- already, that includes all of the features of the update.
As for my opinions, I'll say, as I've said for literally years, it's Survival. There should, in fact, be raiding, and griefing, although I think there should be a limited amount, to keep a differentiation between Survival and Anarchy. Although, I do agree with you about the kits being removed, but even then, the rewards in the kits are actually worthless, and I really think none of them actually hold a value anyways. I'm not saying I'd rather keep kits, I'm just saying if they weren't removed, it wouldn't really change anything. Furthermore, I don't really see a point when you say that teams should be 5 people, and 10 people for FoxKing, as if someone has a group of, let's say 6. So basically that person is screwed, and could still be part of the team, but isn't represented as one.
Also, I quite disagree with you when you say the server is basically dying and the such, I would say the opposite, as I think that Survival has actually been increasing lately, as it's been fairly high on the scoreboard in the hub recently. Plus, I would like to quote @Ksmudger when he said "Just because there's only 7 people online right now does not mean there's not a large player count of pro players."
Well, first of all, I think you need to get your facts straight. You talk about this shop, but there isn't even one on the server, and there aren't any custom enchantments, nor is there /god, or /fly, the balance that you speak of was removed, and the current system is valueless, as there's no way to use it, and there aren't any factions biomes that you talk about. Plus, the server is, actually, 1.11- already, that includes all of the features of the update.
As for my opinions, I'll say, as I've said for literally years, it's Survival. There should, in fact, be raiding, and griefing, although I think there should be a limited amount, to keep a differentiation between Survival and Anarchy. Although, I do agree with you about the kits being removed, but even then, the rewards in the kits are actually worthless, and I really think none of them actually hold a value anyways. I'm not saying I'd rather keep kits, I'm just saying if they weren't removed, it wouldn't really change anything. Furthermore, I don't really see a point when you say that teams should be 5 people, and 10 people for FoxKing, as if someone has a group of, let's say 6. So basically that person is screwed, and could still be part of the team, but isn't represented as one.
Also, I quite disagree with you when you say the server is basically dying and the such, I would say the opposite, as I think that Survival has actually been increasing lately, as it's been fairly high on the scoreboard in the hub recently. Plus, I would like to quote @Ksmudger when he said "Just because there's only 7 people online right now does not mean there's not a large player count of pro players."
I think you may have misunderstood me. I was saying things that should be and shouldn't be in this reset. In the past we have got resets where they have added custom biomes... I was just saying things I think should stay and should be removed should have been more clear my bad!
How long has it been since the last survival full reset anyways?
I am not 100% sure but I believe it was back in July...
So... Over the past few days I have noticed there are quite a few inactive servers on Foxcraft that need to be "fixed" or reset. One of these is survival. So, survival... It's survival... Not factions. Raiding shouldn't happen and team should be very limited to 5 player, 10 for FoxKing. Also, land claiming shouldn't be a thing we need to have a block rule saying u must be a good distance away from another player's foundation. From my view survival needs a complete reset. No one every plays it anymore. In this reset there needs to be very few plugins. No balance bc it is survival... No shop get materials in wilderness. No custom enchants. Maybe even give 1.11 a chance on Foxcraft survival... Should be determined by a vote... Also no kits... It isn't factions. Agian no /God or /fly bc it's SURVIVAL. No grieving, one of the only plugins should be a grief preventer. Also, in my opinion don't do the biomes that are in factions... Just my opinion, what do u guys think?

Agreed, raiding on survival shouldn't be that common yes, thats the more anarchy / factions style. Team size, I mean, if you have more than 5 friends it's p2w because you can't invite them. Claimed land should be a thing in survival. Survival is building and surviving. The main reason Foxcraft made it claimed was so anarchy and factions were different. They are 3 similar gamemodes that share similar characteristics. I agree that a reset might bring more players, but it could also pushaway the most active ones as their hardwork gets reset. I agree with no /god and /fly. it's survival, meant to survive. Custom enchants makes it a different entity than everything and could interest more players in learning new ideas and tactics. Kits are iffy. They just help you. It's mainly blocks, if my memory serves me correct, which isn't to OP like how factions gives you dia armour and stuff.

[EDIT] I didn't read Zeas' reply, and apparently alot of stuff you mention isn't even in, but heres my opinion anyways if it was LMAO im good at this
I would love to see survival get reset, but I personally like the idea of people being able to raid. I dislike custom enchantments as well as mcmmo, as it usually just makes the game pay to win. No balance is a nice addition as well. I basically want to see survival like it was back when I played survival the most. We used to only have lockette signs, not claiming lol. I think it was 1.7.2 or something but this was the spawn:
omg that was the best map ever hopper raiding was so fun
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I just think Anarchy should be updated to 1.11.2. :p
Anarchy is 1.11.2

Also I do not plan on resetting survival. It's one of those gamemodes that does not need a reset in a long while. I'd rather just keep updating it to the latest mc versions, as it is right now. With that also increase the /wild radius so that new players won't spawn in a wasteland.
Well, first of all, I think you need to get your facts straight. You talk about this shop, but there isn't even one on the server, and there aren't any custom enchantments, nor is there /god, or /fly, the balance that you speak of was removed, and the current system is valueless, as there's no way to use it, and there aren't any factions biomes that you talk about. Plus, the server is, actually, 1.11- already, that includes all of the features of the update.
As for my opinions, I'll say, as I've said for literally years, it's Survival. There should, in fact, be raiding, and griefing, although I think there should be a limited amount, to keep a differentiation between Survival and Anarchy. Although, I do agree with you about the kits being removed, but even then, the rewards in the kits are actually worthless, and I really think none of them actually hold a value anyways. I'm not saying I'd rather keep kits, I'm just saying if they weren't removed, it wouldn't really change anything. Furthermore, I don't really see a point when you say that teams should be 5 people, and 10 people for FoxKing, as if someone has a group of, let's say 6. So basically that person is screwed, and could still be part of the team, but isn't represented as one.
Also, I quite disagree with you when you say the server is basically dying and the such, I would say the opposite, as I think that Survival has actually been increasing lately, as it's been fairly high on the scoreboard in the hub recently. Plus, I would like to quote @Ksmudger when he said "Just because there's only 7 people online right now does not mean there's not a large player count of pro players."
Whats the point of anarchy is there is raiding on survival.
So... Over the past few days I have noticed there are quite a few inactive servers on Foxcraft that need to be "fixed" or reset. One of these is survival. So, survival... It's survival... Not factions. Raiding shouldn't happen and team should be very limited to 5 player, 10 for FoxKing. Also, land claiming shouldn't be a thing we need to have a block rule saying u must be a good distance away from another player's foundation. From my view survival needs a complete reset. No one every plays it anymore. In this reset there needs to be very few plugins. No balance bc it is survival... No shop get materials in wilderness. No custom enchants. Maybe even give 1.11 a chance on Foxcraft survival... Should be determined by a vote... Also no kits... It isn't factions. Agian no /God or /fly bc it's SURVIVAL. No grieving, one of the only plugins should be a grief preventer. Also, in my opinion don't do the biomes that are in factions... Just my opinion, what do u guys think?
Survival is in 1.11 rn
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