Every Ride Has To End.

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I don't know you but I've had quite a bit of experience when it comes to dealing with hackers and especially those appealing that want to lie.

As far as "hacking on your IP" goes, that is a blatant miss truth.
"You can't really spoof an IP effectively because if you do, http responses will go to that IP rather than yours. As such, it'd probably not be the best use of your time. (They can be fake, but they can't receive the intended data.) By "receive the intended data", I mean that if someone at tries to send a login request to Google, and spoofs their IP to be, then Google will send the response to, not That means that the would-be hacker at never actually receives any data pertaining to your account. This is a risk (but probably not to you) - it's a well established way of conducting DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attacks. Have a look at this article if you're curious." Link to actual article/thread: http://stackoverflow.com/a/12736911

(TL;DR of that spoiler, it isn't possible because you can't receive any data when you change your IP to someone elses IP, the data would only be sent to the actual IP. Meaning the would be hacker would never be able to connect to Foxcraft in the first place)

So the only way your story makes sense is if the "hacker" were to literally come to your house, log into your WiFi and hack from there.

So then that leaves me to believe that maybe it was a family member, well now we're in the old "my brother did it" excuse. Which is never really truthful, if not maybe 99% of the time a lie.

Everything you say points to someone that is lying to either get unbanned or lying to have people feel sorry for you which in-turn would get you unbanned. IMO the staff team made the right decision.
^^When you still going for that staff position
this is my last post, see you all on a different time. Regarding the hacks: I don't know what was going on, but everything is normal now, it is fine.
May Foxcraft grow and grow to be better than Hypixel, and then may I return, but for now, see you until the next.
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this is my last post, see you all on a different time. Regarding the hacks: I don't know what was going on, but everything is normal now, it is fine.
May Foxcraft grow and grow to be better than Hypixel, and then may I return, but for now, see you until the next.
Bye! It was fun watching your Catching Hackers series, and being your friend. Hopefully you come back soon! Hopefully...
^^When you still going for that staff position
ok ok, I said I would be done 11 weeks ago, but damn that is so true. and also, it was one of my friends over at the time, he was hacking around several accounts that I have no idea how he got (hacked client being LiquidBounce), I had asked him several times to stop, but he would not listen, so I thought it would not be a big deal. At the time of the confrontation, I did not think the situation thoroughly and think about saying that it was my friend (although that would be no more good than saying it was my brother or something), but still, I do not expect anyone to believe me, let alone connor over here, but here is the truth. I also DO NOT expect to get unbanned and DO NOT WISH to get unbanned just because of what I said, I will unban myself fairly like the rest by appealing and/or buying an unban.
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