Someone tell me what this thread is again?
This is the fact that should be owner because Leon does stuff like make
@connor12568 admin and then he gives everyone on Factions creative. LOL, that was lit btw.
Mate, this **** don't got nooooo dramaaaaa
Someone close this thread for an overload of cringe plz
Bro, your face is an overload of cringe, just look at your Avatar. And btw, I love what you've done with your hair. How do you get it to come out of the nostrils like that?
Best owner you will be 10/10 would smash agen
Awwwww luv you bro, at least you understand this **** xD <3
Mate, we can be co-owers. #Us4Owner
The OG *****
Why is everyone so rude today hating on this kid. Yes Cloak is the obvious answer but seriously guys don't need to be mean. (Not all of you)
Hey, at least you arn't mean, I can respect that <3
lol scum you for owner? L
NAAAAAAAA I AINT NO RANDY, im on alll the time xD
You have no experience.
Cloak would be 'OVER 9000' times better. xD
Bud legit u have join the sever TODAY, i have never seen you in game...trash...
No, I joined the forums yesterday

You really want to make enemy with the entire staff team dont ya bud.
NAAAA *****, Just to your dumb *** <3