Helper apps: CLOSED

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@SprinkledDonut @Vlastyz Could you two just drop the subject? This is leading to nothing..

@Ambology @Tqzz some staff resigned indeed, others got demoted for abusing, being offensive towards other players, hacking etc. Not only for abusing. And there is still good staff like @Mechz @Yoahi and @cloakfox

@PROIFY could you please just stop arguing with people since you're banned anyways.. No reason to put oil on the fire :)
I'm pretty sure if you got helper every one will leave, you're staff pet, and u mini mod
Is it just me or is SprinkledDonut the worst staff?
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Apps are closing the 28th of February

So you propably got your answer in that week or the next day.
They will be answered most likely the 28th/29th, depending where you live I assume
Thank you. can't wait though because I think my application may have been enough to get in. Not sure though so Imma just be patient and not let karma screw me
make the age limit 13 im tired of kids younger then me who have been on this server after me tell me what to do
amen tho
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I'm pretty sure if you got helper every one will leave, you're staff pet, and u mini mod
I might be mini modding, but these conversations about how bad a staff member is doesn't resolve anything... And if I got helper, everyone would leave? Thanks for the support Amber! ;)
I might be mini modding, but these conversations about how bad a staff member is doesn't resolve anything... And if I got helper, everyone would leave? Thanks for the support Amber! ;)
Np backstabber and scammer
Who cares if they don't resolve anything they are simply the facts.
Can't we just have the old staff back
Np backstabber and scammer
Can't we just have the old staff back
Backstabbing is relatable,

We can't have the old staff back because most of them resigned and moved on, and don't come on anymore. E.g. The legend himself, Danny Black. But seriously, there is no chance getting the old staff back.
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