player banned for afk selling (withouth auto clicker)

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Aug 19, 2016

So a good friend of me on the glacier server got banned because he put his phone on his right mouse button to sell stuff in the shop while he went away for a small period.

now my question is:
how can this ban be legal? EVERYTHING is allowed on the servers except for the things on the rules list.

scamming isn't on the list, so it isn't bannable, that's what a staff literally told me, so how can you get banned for putting something on your mouse, there isn't any rule about afk selling/mining...
[doublepost=1487618056,1487617694][/doublepost]He has been unbanned by now
Wrong Place Fam
Post it here -
Use this format -
  • Your in-game name:
  • Reason for ban:
  • Date of ban:
  • Banned by:
  • Why should you be unbanned?
  • Did you truly break the rules?
  • Have you been banned before?
  • Promise to never break any rule:
I said a player (not me), this isn't a ban appeal at all xD

ban appeals are for your own account, the player himself (udennick) instantly made a ban appeal but we weren't that very happy about him getting banned for this reason. So I (and 15 minutes later Captian_Goldy) made a post on this forum to discuss it.
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