What is "Fast Place"

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Jul 14, 2016
I was banned for it so I'm genuinely wondering what it is. Can someone show a video example or something?
Fast Place is when you place blocks very fast. So for example, by the time you can place 1cobblestone block, you place 3 because it seems like you have haste 10 or something very high.
Fast Place is when you place blocks very fast. So for example, by the time you can place 1cobblestone block, you place 3 because it seems like you have haste 10 or something very high.
Is it like building a wall to block against someone shooting you super fast, or bridging to another island super fast, or stacking up super fast?
Not really, its basically just giving you a huge advantage to build way faster. If you hav fastplace it also gives you an advantage in pvp. Instead of having 5 cps as example, you can reach the double amount. Depening on what speed you have your fastplace on. If you have fastplace it gives you an advantage for placing blocks, hitting with swords, axes etc, bow spamming etc.
Fast place is not really a nesecery hack or something. If you just spamclick the right mouse button its almost the same. Dont need hacks for that... XD
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Fast - moving or able to move, operate, function, or take effect quickly;quick; swift; rapid
Place - a particular portion of space, whether of definite or indefinite extent
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