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Ok first before you come in here complaining, learn to spell. "funy" and " your'e" aren't words.
Second, that is called a friend. You make jokes and talk to them. "Friends" must be rare for some players, Im guessing.
And third, stop being butthurt. You come in this forum page trying to "roast" me when you cant even spell the words to try and roast me. It was a joke about what I said, now go and learn some English. People would understand you better. No hard feelings. :)
Ok first before you come in here complaining, learn to spell. "funy" and " your'e" aren't words.
Second, that is called a friend. You make jokes and talk to them. "Friends" must be rare for some players, Im guessing.
And third, stop being butthurt. You come in this forum page trying to "roast" me when you cant even spell the words to try and roast me. It was a joke about what I said, now go and learn some English. People would understand you better. No hard feelings. :)
ok not word it okay im also no word it i'm and your'e makeing fun of autism buy caling some won it even if they arnt be ceaus autistic per san coold see your'e messege and coold be sad
Ok first before you come in here complaining, learn to spell. "funy" and " your'e" aren't words.
Second, that is called a friend. You make jokes and talk to them. "Friends" must be rare for some players, Im guessing.
And third, stop being butthurt. You come in this forum page trying to "roast" me when you cant even spell the words to try and roast me. It was a joke about what I said, now go and learn some English. People would understand you better. No hard feelings. :)
if your are thinking it okay to mak jokes abote disabality then your'e bad per san
It looks to me as if you haven't even figured out that everything I said was a prank but ok. You take it too far.

You also didn't even post the rest but whatever floats your boat.

Also, what I said was a joke. It also looks like you don't understand a joke.
If I posted the rest, I'd make you look worse.
I mean, whatever floats your boat.
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