no won help my

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PoopingDog84, you do not have to act like a new player. There's no reason to do this.
hes not poopingdag hes a kid that really cant speek English that good, i try to help him the best i could, even cloakfox tryed to get his island back but cloak couldn't
i on sky blok ser ver no won help my iland and no won sell cheep dimand and scamer gotted my ban he
Buddy Welcome to forms and all. but what language do you speek? use the Translator to help speek english!
Uhm not the be rude, but he is totally not from America xD
Look at his ign: IkBenLarsGamesNL, NL stands for the Netherlands, i also recognize the type of how he tries to talk in english. What i am trying to say is, you might be 8 years old but you should try to use Google Translate ;)
Uhm not the be rude, but he is totally not from America xD
Look at his ign: IkBenLarsGamesNL, NL stands for the Netherlands, i also recognize the type of how he tries to talk in english. What i am trying to say is, you might be 8 years old but you should try to use Google Translate ;)
Ja ja
Uhm not the be rude, but he is totally not from America xD
Look at his ign: IkBenLarsGamesNL, NL stands for the Netherlands, i also recognize the type of how he tries to talk in english. What i am trying to say is, you might be 8 years old but you should try to use Google Translate ;)
Also, his name translated from dutch to english is litterally "I am Lars(a common name in the netherlands and Belgium) NL" xD

I really love to read all the posts of this guy xD
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