I'm sorrywel

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Mar 7, 2016
Well, for the past months since my demotion, I've been acting very immature, I've said bad things to all players around Foxcraft, including cloakfox, and the rest of the staff I've said sorry to the staff in private conversations at least 3 times, yet I still acted immature towards them and the Foxcraft community... So today I will be saying all of the things I'm sorry for.

First of all I'm sorry for abusing.
I'm sorry for saying hurtful things.
I'm sorry for making fun of a staffs autism.
I'm sorry for being rude to a staff from their decision.
I'm sorry for being rude to players whom I dislike.
I'm sorry for being a *** hole to everyone.
I'm sorry for giving desecrator coordinates to people bases in order to get promoted.
I'm sorry for abusing for desecrator in general.
I'm sorry for listening to things desecrator have said.
I'm sorry for accepting desecrators job for me to give them coordinates not to mute any of them and not to ban any of them yet I've catched a lot of them hacking, and yet I listened to them still.
I'm sorry for everything I've done.

I'm sorry.
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*when you realize helper apps are coming, but you have a bad reputation so you make a sorry thread*
This guy understands me!
I can't say you ever did anything wrong towards me. However, I must say it takes quite a bit to admit you're wrong and to apologize for it. Respect for that.
I've done things to the staff whom have done bad things which I did not agree with, and staff who I think didn't deserve the promotion, but you in my experience of Foxcraft have never done anything wrong.
to be honest i have never seen you before as a staff member, but i do hear alot because i play on many servers. What you have done isn't correct but appologizing in front of everyone you have disrespected is something. Making mistakes is human.

What I'm trying to day is. It is never too late to apologize. If they don't accept a apology thats their bussiunus (don't even blame me for my bad grammar xD). You did what you could. I also heard alot of good things about you. Keep those things in mind. The past is the past, time to move on my fwiend❤️
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and multiple times nothing has come from it
Saying sorry for the actions that you regret doing is better than not saying sorry, yet I haven't seen you say sorry for false muting players and talking **** to them as a Staff member?
I'm sorry for being rude to a staff from their decision.
I'm sorry for being rude to players whom I dislike.
I'm sorry for being a *** hole to everyone.
Saying sorry for the actions that you regret doing is better than not saying sorry, yet I haven't seen you say sorry for false muting players and talking **** to them as a Staff member?
Sure whatever
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