Building Contract

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On Survival I am offering 64 diamond blocks to anyone who can build me a good, decent-sized town.
It must include:
- At least 12 houses
- Community farms
- Community mines
- Mayors Office
- Guard Towers
- Decent Wall
- Animal Farms
- (If Possible) Xp Farms

The materials must consist of the following:
Oak logs, wood, cobblestone, stone bricks, spruce logs, dark oak logs.
Anything related to the above materials may also be used.
Gravel, dirt, ect, may be used to construct paths.

The town must be at least 20k blocks from spawn, to avoid it being raided.
I will add in an extra 16 diamond blocks if it's 30k+ from spawn.
The town, upon completion, must be given ownership to me, the claim and all.
All lockable items with the lockette plugin must be locked during construction, and then unlocked when transferring ownership.

If you need more information, message me or contact me in game.
I'll try
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