1 Year Anniversary

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Today marks 1 year anniversary of when I first joined Foxcraft! It's crazy to think that a year ago I was searching for a Skywars community that I could grow with, I personally have to thank @C2Obezerk for being the reason why I joined the Forums in the first place. It's 1 year now and I'm now an Admin which I never expected to get honestly.

While being a staff seems like a desireable rank, It comes with a lot of responsibility and hate. I'm not sure if anyone remembers when the whole server hated me for being a random player who got staff without creating an application ... .-.

I'm lucky enough to meet incredible people through my journey while being on Foxcraft but sadly some have decided to cut ties with me but for those who haven't thank you guys for sticking around with me and reading my paragraphs and essays, Maybe @cloakfox is smart after all.... He dodged the bullet so he doesn't have to read my Helpers Application :p

I wish I could give everyone a special mention but I'm sure nobody wants to read an entire book, Unless you want me to create a special thank you thread separately (Let me know below).

If you've made it this far, Share below when you first joined Foxcraft and how was your first experience like? How did you discover Foxcraft? Do you prefer back in the days Foxcraft or now?
Today marks 1 year anniversary of when I first joined Foxcraft! It's crazy to think that a year ago I was searching for a Skywars community that I could grow with, I personally have to thank @C2Obezerk for being the reason why I joined the Forums in the first place. It's 1 year now and I'm now an Admin which I never expected to get honestly.

While being a staff seems like a desireable rank, It comes with a lot of responsibility and hate. I'm not sure if anyone remembers when the whole server hated me for being a random player who got staff without creating an application ... .-.

I'm lucky enough to meet incredible people through my journey while being on Foxcraft but sadly some have decided to cut ties with me but for those who haven't thank you guys for sticking around with me and reading my paragraphs and essays, Maybe @cloakfox is smart after all.... He dodged the bullet so he doesn't have to read my Helpers Application :p

I wish I could give everyone a special mention but I'm sure nobody wants to read an entire book, Unless you want me to create a special thank you thread separately (Let me know below).

If you've made it this far, Share below when you first joined Foxcraft and how was your first experience like? How did you discover Foxcraft? Do you prefer back in the days Foxcraft or now?
I remember
U is acool dood brah
Ye boi ez pz handpick
I appreciate ur long threads sir
Happy birthday
Today marks 1 year anniversary of when I first joined Foxcraft! It's crazy to think that a year ago I was searching for a Skywars community that I could grow with, I personally have to thank @C2Obezerk for being the reason why I joined the Forums in the first place. It's 1 year now and I'm now an Admin which I never expected to get honestly.

While being a staff seems like a desireable rank, It comes with a lot of responsibility and hate. I'm not sure if anyone remembers when the whole server hated me for being a random player who got staff without creating an application ... .-.

I'm lucky enough to meet incredible people through my journey while being on Foxcraft but sadly some have decided to cut ties with me but for those who haven't thank you guys for sticking around with me and reading my paragraphs and essays, Maybe @cloakfox is smart after all.... He dodged the bullet so he doesn't have to read my Helpers Application but I especially want to thank @11kobeer for helping me get back on the staff team ily bb

I wish I could give everyone a special mention but I'm sure nobody wants to read an entire book, Unless you want me to create a special thank you thread separately (Let me know below).

If you've made it this far, Share below when you first joined Foxcraft and how was your first experience like? How did you discover Foxcraft? Do you prefer back in the days Foxcraft Cool
joined when i was 9 so about 4 years ago, I liked fox's alot (still do) so I decided to check this server out. I went on opprison found XanosHD and zombiepighead14 (@iComboStrafe (@Baerified ) and he basically taught me how to play mc. Found slabo and became good friends with him, but when he got HPatrol we kinda stopped talking. Started playing on kitpvp found ThePowerOfSix and became rly good. Went back to OPprison and played with Bad_Man melhi1000 and zombiepighead14 which was probably the best time ever on Foxcraft. Leon had screwed up OPprison so you could pvp anywhere and we basically just built a bunch of castles glitched in op bows and killed everyone. Then started prison. Found Idkaname8 and started a server with him. Then i quit for a while came back and almost everyone I knew was gone.
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