Old Players.

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I came quite late 2014 around october time, my oldest name as matrix_jones and my good old fat bird Bombird10. We used to play kitpvp so much and fight for the most kills...
- Forest hills were the best times - I was in a skype call with Producing (not taggin) and with two other girls known as doglover229 or something like that, real name was Rebecca and then there was KimPlayz. I got jealous because the girls started hitting on Producing and left the skype call..
My favourite all time staff (no offence to any others) was LenniCraftMC, as I still remember when he was skyfox before he got helper ;>
So, i have been wondering how many of the old OG players are still here. If you know connor than you might be one of those old players. Ive been playing Fox for 3 - 4 years and i want to know if there are any old players left that havent quit yet, so post your ign and time on fox and lets see whos OG

@iComboStrafe ofc is one of those he is smexy asf
Me me me i played with u a long time ago o-o #zombie
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[doublepost=1482152253][/doublepost]I'm fairly og, I was 10 when I first came here so I was kinda dumb and didn't know much. I played opprison a lot then started factions in a fac called Mayhem. We got f top 2 then ofc got insides by Desecrstor. Most people know me as CrazyFox101 or MineyMD
im more og than u
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