Event Our new ad-rewards (videos) system and weekly webstore rewards!

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Mar 7, 2016
Edit: Frequently asked questions https://goo.gl/hHCuxc

Hello Foxcrafters, I hope you all had a wonderfull week!

To kick things off..

You might have noticed that you now receive automated messages ingame, that ask you to click on a link and watch a short video to receive a reward ingame. This is our new ads system we (mcFoxcraft) recently signed a contract with one of the bigger advertisement companies in the US. They asked us if we where interested in giving players rewards for watching short ads (advertisements). In return we get paid an x amount per 1000 views of an ad.

Sort of like how youtube ad revenue works.

The reason I have added this to Foxcraft is to generate a bit more income for Foxcraft to grow in the feature. And another reason is to give players that can not afford ranks or anything else from the webstore a chance to get awesome stuff from the store too!

What do you currently get for watching these ads?
Messages ingame will say what you get for that specefic gamemode. For example in the Skyblock servers you will get 250$ ingame each time you watch an ad. You can watch these ads as many times as you'd like.

Now here comes the sweet part...
We have also implemented a system that keeps track of how many times you have watched an ad.

And the top 5 players that have watched these ads/videos the most in a week, will get free webstore vouchers.

  1. 50$ - can be redeemed for any package
  2. 40$ - can be redeemed for any package
  3. 30$ - can be redeemed for any package
  4. 20$ - can be redeemed for any package
  5. 10$ - can be redeemed for any package
Winners are picked every monday. (Every week). And announced on the forums.
View current top 5: http://www.mcfoxcraft.com/top/

As of tomorrow you can see how many views you have ingame with /views
Out put of the command will look like this:

In the course of this weekend you will be able to see the current top 5 live on our forums/website. Our Web developer is currently working on the page.

Thanks for reading this announcement,

- Cloakfox


  1. It says there is no ad available for me..
A: These ads are mostly targetted for the following countries:
  • United States
  • Canada
  • United Kingdom
  • Australia
  • Netherlands
  • New Zealand
  • Germany
If you are from one of the above mentioned countries it might be because the ad got to many views. I suggest you try to watch it again later in like an hour or something.
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Really excited for this, I can see this working out well. I just hope the videos are available all the time.!
Hello Foxcrafters, I hope you all had a wonderfull week!

To kick things off..

You might have noticed that you now receive automated messages ingame, that ask you to click on a link and watch a short video to receive a reward ingame. This is our new ads system we (mcFoxcraft) recently signed a contract with one of the bigger advertisement companies in the US. They asked us if we where interested in giving players rewards for watching short ads (advertisements). In return we get paid an x amount per 1000 views of an ad.

Sort of like how youtube ad revenue works.

The reason I have added this to Foxcraft is to generate a bit more income for Foxcraft to grow in the feature. And another reason is to give players that can not afford ranks or anything else from the webstore a chance to get awesome stuff from the store too!

What do you currently get for watching these ads?
Messages ingame will say what you get for that specefic gamemode. For example in the Skyblock servers you will get 250$ ingame each time you watch an ad. You can watch these ads as many times as you'd like.

Now here comes the sweet part...
We have also implemented a system that keeps track of how many times you have watched an ad.

And the top 5 players that have watched these ads/videos the most in a week, will get free webstore vouchers.

  1. 50$ - can be redeemed for any package
  2. 40$ - can be redeemed for any package
  3. 30$ - can be redeemed for any package
  4. 20$ - can be redeemed for any package
  5. 10$ - can be redeemed for any package
Winners are picked every monday. (Every week). And announced on the forums.

As of tomorrow you can see how many views you have ingame with /views
Out put of the command will look like this:

In the course of this weekend you will be able to see the current top 5 live on our forums/website. Our Web developer is currently working on the page.

Thanks for reading this announcement,

- Cloakfox


  1. It says there is no ad available for me..
A: These ads are mostly targetted for the following countries:
  • United States
  • Canada
  • United Kingdom
  • Australia
  • Netherlands
  • New Zealand
  • Germany
If you are from one of the above mentioned countries it might be because the ad got to many views. I suggest you try to watch it again later in like an hour or something.
Nicee dude
Cool Leon! Can these vouchers stack?

Off*, add it to the montage I guess!

View attachment 2484
he said to when it was supposed to be too

I like this idea a lot, cloAk great timing and everything!
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