TOA. Empire Gold Farm Project Completed!

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Mar 7, 2016
Hello, I just wanted to revive this part of the forums with showing a creation me and my team just completed! This gold farm is nowhere near as big as our last one, but we have moved from that base and decided to build a smaller one. Eventually we will add big storage rooms and more portals. Here's two screenshots!

Right now this area is small, we have to add enchantment tables and anvils for all different levels like level 30 level 1 enchantments etc. (also where our rotten flesh etc storage will go)
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No one cares about you or your shitty empire. I don't even see how this is "impressive" anyone could build that.
No one cares about you or your shitty empire. I don't even see how this is "impressive" anyone could build that.
Faast get over yourself lol, it's about time you stop being triggered that we are better than you and roast you whenever you try to trash talk us lool, and anyone can build everything if they have the will, this gold farm is like 3x bigger now we've worked on it.
Faast get over yourself lol, it's about time you stop being triggered that we are better than you and roast you whenever you try to trash talk us lool, and anyone can build everything if they have the will, this gold farm is like 3x bigger now we've worked on it.
U got shipped with faast HAHA
Faast get over yourself lol, it's about time you stop being triggered that we are better than you and roast you whenever you try to trash talk us lool, and anyone can build everything if they have the will, this gold farm is like 3x bigger now we've worked on it.
You always claim your bored of arguing with me but you always run away when we do argue or just keep making new ones like last night and then whenever I say stuff that you did like when you were calling my friend a slag a **** etc then when she came back try to get with her then deny doing it and all her all that **** again.
You always claim your bored of arguing with me but you always run away when we do argue or just keep making new ones like last night and then whenever I say stuff that you did like when you were calling my friend a slag a **** etc then when she came back try to get with her then deny doing it and all her all that **** again.
Lol I said she was a **** as a joke and even before that when you accused me of it I never did, don't know if you can tell but I said "jk lol" and I never tried to get with her just because I simply sent a skype contact request lmao, don't know what the **** you're on about but whatever loool
Lol I said she was a **** as a joke and even before that when you accused me of it I never did, don't know if you can tell but I said "jk lol" and I never tried to get with her just because I simply sent a skype contact request lmao, don't know what the **** you're on about but whatever loool
I never said that was how you did and stop trying to make yourself better you never said "jk lol"
I never said that was how you did and stop trying to make yourself better you never said "jk lol"
Can tell you really don't have a life, you replied 20 seconds after I said it lol, you're so desperate to insult me it's unbelievable, either way you can carry on accusing me of trying to get a with a chick on a skype chat, when he typed like twice lmao oh well whatever floats your boat
Can tell you really don't have a life, you replied 20 seconds after I said it lol, you're so desperate to insult me it's unbelievable, either way you can carry on accusing me of trying to get a with a chick on a skype chat, when he typed like twice lmao oh well whatever floats your boat
Or you know maybe I happened to have my chrome page open and I got an alert while putting music on.
@Ksmudger and @Faast can you two not argue 24/7? I'd would appreciate if my alerts weren't spammed. Lmao
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