picapica98_'s intoduction

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New Member
Nov 7, 2016
Hey, I'm picapica98_. That's a bit of a mouthful to say, so feel free to say Pika or pica instead. I mainly play Magma but currently I'm enjoying Anarchy. I've been playing for a while now, but I've been holding off on creating a forum account because I still get emails from a few minecraft servers I played 3-4 years ago. Basically if you ever see the tower and a half that reach into the heavens on magma, that's me and Rodrikes. Nice to finally be part of the forums.
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Hi Pica! Welcole to the forums, I've met you on anarchy. I hope to get to know you better! :)
Hey, I'm picapica98_. That's a bit of a mouthful to say, so feel free to say Pika or pica instead. I mainly play Magma but currently I'm enjoying Anarchy. I've been playing for a while now, but I've been holding off on creating a forum account because I still get emails from a few minecraft servers I played 3-4 years ago. Basically if you ever see the tower and a half that reach into the heavens on magma, that's me and Rodrikes. Nice to finally be part of the forums.
Hello! Welcome to forums.
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