Youtube Rank Application

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And your vids are any better?? Like you play the same songs in every video that's just depressing.
At least he doesn't need to cheat to get his views and subs. You also just called his vids bad, but you have watched all his videos. xD
No I don't bud.

You literally named yourself after a dead gorilla. lmao

Just bc I have a folder of like 100 songs that I will occasionally use the same one in another video does not make me as bad as a kid who bots his views and probably his subs just to try to gain some popularity.
So yes, it does make me better
Uh I subbed so stfu please.
like how u say only. Maybe im an idiot but im not at 50 yet and i have had my channel for about a month
I got around 700 in about a year or so. However, If you'll notice, his videos have thousands of views, after a week on youtube? and when he has 150 subs. My most viewed video has around 30K, and I have no idea how, and it happened after a month since that video's release. However, I feel like it had something to do with the youtube algorithm, since it was a gmod video, with sonic and godzilla. this was later backed up by a second video under that title and tags that got 10K views. Yeah, the algorithm is busted, but not busted to the point where you can get 2K views on 5 videos in a week, then post a new video of the same variety, title, and tags, and get 20 views on it.
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