lmfao @alltheglazedpuphatersWelcome to the forums![]()
willturner is glazedpup's brother lollmfao @alltheglazedpuphaters
Yeah, uh, since I said something, I suppose I should welcome you.
Little Kelly is pretty dank, I guess. Welcome.
I didn't get it, but whatever xDwillturner is glazedpup's brother lol
and i believe this introduction was a "little" too short
loooooooool gett itttttt cos little kelly "a little too short"
that was ******* terrible
I have no problem playing csgo or shadow of mordor on that pc xD i run 60 fps on bothWHAT IS THAT FPS IT HURTS
You think?I think Will got the better genes
Haha. Lolthank you everyone how do you play a server pls reply i really do not know :}