this is random , but it has to be said so no one else does.

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Jul 13, 2016
i'v been looking hard at the servers progress u know what i noticed ? alot .
lets start from the beginning

NOTE i am not offending or Pointing fingers or Talking down about anyone or anything i am stating my mind,
so dont say im disrespecting anyone or anything Specific because i am not .

when i joined Fox craft i went Straight to skyblock, and started making Roots '' friends'' back then this is how i thought of how to get more people on my side Technically making me powerful .from there i was able to see back then in 1.7 Their were no making friends it was all 2 sided u either join their or our side. that quickly changed .
on that note. this plan over 5 years backfired. imagine . making friends. '' then u have alot , over half the Skyblock''
AND THEN u start greeting all the new players Every day ''giving them Beginners money ''offering new items and or events / dp's of a Decent amount 500k to 1m witch was alot back then .I noticed those New players stayed for a long time Even today some of the people i helped i see them logging on almost every day . then Redstone kicked in and everyone loved it everything i would make HAD to be on their plot or island from doors to cobble farms. to mob arena farms , that added more Excitement , eventually leading into me making things for new people and them staying knowing they got something nice .

then pork farms were introduced when someone got the idea to make a water system with pork spawners. leading to the pork era, where Everyone was making money off pork until i one day Decided to go overboard and make a pork farm that was automatic And compact leading to the biggest currency profits since cactus. everyone had to have one if it were me making it for them or them Recoloring it . i eventually made a open warp giving out pork. Eventually leading to payment systems for pork paying diamonds for pork . leading to a new currency .

then the kicker hit i started saying hi to everyone Every day when they would log on , lead to more friends to more people . then i started ancering EVERY QUESTION THROWN at me. anything from where to contact staff to what website was mcfoxcraft. Eventually that lead to the server on Skyblock alone Reaching 180 to 200 players online when i was online , most following me around on the games i would stream or youtube. now i know what ur saying '' that was during Summer vacation'' Not really most would log in right after school the server had more players then Ever at that point lagging like a Sausage on a barbecue pit ''then the anti lag plugins became a thing'' after my plot got reset i quit . so did Everyone i knew '' around 100 players'' Decided to also Split when i did, knowing how my background was . and how i earned everything Since then i have not gained those friends back, they even Refuse to play Foxcraft. spite saying the issue was resolved , i decided to play again
then after starting after everything happened i looked like a fool Starting with compensation and given items from some friends , i eventually made another pork farm. with a currency system. and After that '' everything went downhill ,,, Everything i would do would get patched a new elevator ? o u dont need that working so they put a plugin that kills u if u get lifted up with a block. o u got a new pork farm Faster then Everyone's ? patched to reduce lag ''practically breaking redstone'' witch made the few i got back on leave because of their redstone ways being ruined . from there Everything from No flying rule originally why i loved skyblock lead to plugins allowing highest ranking players to fly. that pretty much made all my friends leaving , because it was ruined Since my old plot was reset i stopped Saying hi to everyone stopped i also stopped Doing DP's and events hell i dont even let anyone on my island anymore. and u know what i noticed?
New players logging in just to say hi , Just for that reaction to say hey this might not be a bad server. was Dumped on when i wouldn't say hi to them. they never shown up again some stay a few days just to be scammed and then leave , I used to be the TRANSACTION man for trades to keep Scamming from happening the trade plugin quickly fixed that issue. But caused more Dupe glitches''usually unspoken about only to the most Knowledgeable players.or skript kiddies '' . hell Non vips used to pay me to get them things. and in return i knew they would keep coming back ''supporting the server '' But after saying no to all of them. they no longer log on, the ones that did Eventually donated and ONLY> stay because they Have to for donating .
======== i could go on and on lets just think about what i just said =====
is this server fun ''no'' why ? their's no help and on one talks to me. Even if i try to become someone's friend ,Everyone is judgmental on this server either Traveling in packs of angry bullies , or traveling in teachers pets groups only following orders from staff and or copying what they do , o and dont forget those Fimenist that can player Disrespect over 1 word being taken the wrong way... and not get in trouble , for all the ''sayso he said '' stuff..

because every time i get a base it gets raided on a ''no raid '' server

i end up getting scammed by players that have nothing better to do

every where i go i see players not playing the game correctly Either glitching or getting others banned
''example Fishing rod banning '' '' fly banning '' and any source of Disrespect they can squeeze out of them and SS'ing it to report them .

it's boring u get it all and their's nothing to do after that but watch the chat roll for a few hours, eventually spending all day just reading chat
To the Truth

i know u care about your YOUTUBE policy '' with your goal to make hundreds of new people Attempt to record a lets play on a server where it looks boring / dull . no one wants to play a server where questions go un answered , Where hackers run like Wasp , where staff do not acknowledge a new player with hi. if u need help just ask . I am sure u understand where im going with that point ''

plugins Really do not attract the right crowd. u end up attracting a bunch of script kiddies looking to get past the plugins u set. so they could hack knowing their's a console ban to say he's ok... and u believe the plugin over other players saying something is wrong.

i feel as if i took my time writing this out , about what has to be said i only state the Truth .
if u feel offended after this u either do not like me or do not care to help this server
but i say this before anyone Gets the balls to say it.
i know you before you know your story.
bending words around a lie is what my eye will catch the most
most people call me crazy but in reality i can spot a cheater from a mile away
i also have a unique way of playing including misspelling and or joining in on other's Accusations
unless i see it go's to far.
lets not forget if u manage to become my friend their's no day u are forgotten
[doublepost=1477204664,1477204570][/doublepost]your helpers need to be more spread out also i noticed Not many log in and if they do they usually pile up on just 1 server.

i had alot more to say but i written out 40,460 words . and it s 10,000 max. most explaining staffing system and what is wrong with it . BUT yea,,, ill stop there before someone hates me for that
like Staff applications. ill just say this Just because it needs to be seen

saying u hire a helper Just because they got ''knows coding '' on their application..... Coding has nothing to do with being a staff . if it did i would have told u i also know coding as well as scripting and Other stuff but it wont relate to being a staff that ''helps players'' and assist their questions and upholds keeping hackers from cheating .

also if they were staff on 8 servers. that says something . Why were they staff on that many servers. and Still not staff. googling their username solves 90% of that Such as why they were demoted .

aswell as hiring a bunch of friends at the same time all causing Shenanigans until their either demoted or u keep 1 and kick the other.
i'd also like to talk about the over worked staff and admins.

i know ur all working hard, But it sucks that u can only have 5 helpers. and u hire the wrong helpers having them demoted because of inactivity

u guy's really need 1 staff per 30 players. to be realistic
as i said i was drunk But it was quite fun
[doublepost=1477285015,1477284882][/doublepost]either way the server has to change their ways. it's really going downhill since 1.7 people join and leave . it's been getting bad recently all these new players u could Eventually get money from Leave from lack of help from staff. and Players are going unchecked from their uncanny attitudes
like the staff are doing all they can. Their is not enough online helping absolutely everyone.
I read the first 16 words then gave up I mean like damn man you must've had alot of free time on your hands you need a hobby xD
my hobby is comic scene fleshyness. i usually come up with ideas. for artist , and they Re word it to fit the bill.
and drunk and bored i dont know why i decided to post this .

o and also. i may not be forums active BUT IM LURKING Super hard all day every day. Especially on forums im staff on. dont ever say im not staff quality because someone doesn't '' like my profile '' or i dont View post i view them i just dont reply unless it's absolutely necessary
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Lack of help from staff, I'm dead xD. See we try and get on when we can, we try and help the ungrateful players that call us **** staff members and tell us we don't do anything, but we still try to help them. I'd also like to point out, and you are not even close too the first person I've said this too. WE HAVE LIFE'S OK? We don't spend every waking second of our ******* life's too please you. But whatever, another added too the list of ungrateful fucks I'll never respect. If you have a problem with the server, leave.
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