New Update, Old Problems...

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New Member
Jun 9, 2016
Hey everyone, I recently stopped playing kitpvp, there are a couple reasons to this. The first reason is because there are CONSTANTLY hackers online now, the second reason is I lost a set of God armor (P4 diamond helmet, P4 iron chest plate, P4 iron leggings, and P4 diamond boots to a hacker... Third unless you really enchant your gear, the donator kits don't help...

OK, now that my mini-rant is over, I want to address the second problem, besides hackers, since hackers are a new problem. Before the update, Ninjastar27 and I were friends, I know... hard to believe, either way, before he went full douche, he gave me 21 diamonds, and using the diamonds I bought, diamonds I had, and diamonds from friends I made a set of Diamond P4. Eventually a staff member (some admin) told me to burn it. I didn't burn it, but I never went down with it. I wanted the playing field to be even, and If I lose my diamond armor and other people don't I have a problem. The same staff member later found my AFK and killed my to remove my diamond armor. HOWEVER now in the new version of kitpvp, there are NEVER staff members on. I came on to see if the new map had been added, looked in my inventory and guess what? I had 8 diamonds... I just thought you guys should no Full diamond guys are coming, and with that, full diamond hackers. Prepare yourself.
I find it funny that everyone wanted the AAC removed, but when we remove it, everyone wants it back! The community is never content, and not everyone can be happy all the time. It's life. Live it.
I find it funny that everyone wanted the AAC removed, but when we remove it, everyone wants it back! The community is never content, and not everyone can be happy all the time. It's life. Live it.
The AAC is absolute garbage but at least some form of anti-cheat to keep people from flying around the map and/or active staff members on kitpvp would he helpful.
I find it funny that everyone wanted the AAC removed, but when we remove it, everyone wants it back! The community is never content, and not everyone can be happy all the time. It's life. Live it.

We want a system that doesn't ban me for having a kill streak (its happened)
Only thing I want to reply too. We the staff members, have life's ok? We won't be on 24/7 if you need us msg us on the forums and we'll get on when we can. But life comes before a game.

That may be true, but not including the launch of the new server, staff are not on, not ever... its not like oh my life comes before the server, no, you don't even care enough to come online (kitpvp exclusive that I know of)
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