Active Staff

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New Member
Jun 6, 2016
First of all this is some bs. I get banned for apparently having a hacked client from a staff member who is barely on. Secondly that same staff member said I was lying and he refused my option to ss. What kind of staff refuses an ss on skype. Foxcraft needs to get more active staff and have a ss room on ts. What I mean by active staff I mean staff who are on almost everyday and not on once a month and staff who are willing to accept an ss from players.
Ok hold up. Just because a staff member is barely on, it doesn't mean that they don't know what they're doing. Also, if he banned you and then you screen shared him what is the point of that? You could've deleted your hacks before the ss easily. Also on everyday? We have lives ffs we're not Danny. So yea... the salt is strong with this one if you want to be unbanned just buy an appeal and quit crying about it. Ty :D
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Im applying for Helper when they reopen and im almost on everyday (Have been playing Foxcraft for 4 years, no life) And ofc when in Helper i will be even more active lol.
First of all this is some bs. I get banned for apparently having a hacked client from a staff member who is barely on. Secondly that same staff member said I was lying and he refused my option to ss. What kind of staff refuses an ss on skype. Foxcraft needs to get more active staff and have a ss room on ts. What I mean by active staff I mean staff who are on almost everyday and not on once a month and staff who are willing to accept an ss from players.
First of all, chill. Second, Helper apps open every three months and if you truly think there needs to be more active Staff, go ahead and apply when you can. You can create a ban appeal and they will allow you to be unbanned if needed, but with your salty attitude it just lowers your chances. Or buy a ban appeal. Which Staff member are you talking about?
Ok hold up. Just because a staff member is barely on, it doesn't mean that they don't know what they're doing. Also, if he banned you and then you screen shared him what is the point of that? You could've deleted your hacks before the ss easily. Also on everyday? We have lives ffs we're not Danny. So yea... the salt is strong with this one if you want to be unbanned just buy an appeal and quit crying about it. Ty :D
You accepted to the terms of being on everyday, you accepted the terms, dont give us the we have lives bullshit please.
Lmao there were no "terms to accept" "I have to play everyday" sort of thing lol
When you applied there was a question
'How many hours can you play a day'
Im guessinf you put sbove an hour, yet you dont join everyday?
When you applied there was a question
'How many hours can you play a day'
Im guessinf you put sbove an hour, yet you dont join everyday?
Yes, I did say that, but again it really depends on what is going on in your life.. that's why I'm not on as much
Yes, I did say that, but again it really depends on what is going on in your life.. that's why I'm not on as much
Youre acting as if youre ******* 30, have 4 kids, have a wife.
Na fam, youre like 13, or 14, so dont give us that bs plz :)
First of all this is some bs. I get banned for apparently having a hacked client from a staff member who is barely on. Secondly that same staff member said I was lying and he refused my option to ss. What kind of staff refuses an ss on skype. Foxcraft needs to get more active staff and have a ss room on ts. What I mean by active staff I mean staff who are on almost everyday and not on once a month and staff who are willing to accept an ss from players.
Only @Eftro and I know how to SS, sorry about that.
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First of all this is some bs. I get banned for apparently having a hacked client from a staff member who is barely on. Secondly that same staff member said I was lying and he refused my option to ss. What kind of staff refuses an ss on skype. Foxcraft needs to get more active staff and have a ss room on ts. What I mean by active staff I mean staff who are on almost everyday and not on once a month and staff who are willing to accept an ss from players.
Who is the staff that banned you??
Ok hold up. Just because a staff member is barely on, it doesn't mean that they don't know what they're doing. Also, if he banned you and then you screen shared him what is the point of that? You could've deleted your hacks before the ss easily. Also on everyday? We have lives ffs we're not Danny. So yea... the salt is strong with this one if you want to be unbanned just buy an appeal and quit crying about it. Ty :D
I agree staff have life's just like us! However, unless you are on vacation or something you should be able to log-in for like 10 mins everyday at least! Also, I think it would be good for more than 2 staff members knowing how to SS. Just an opinion not trying to be rude or anything!
Staff members have lives to deal with too, we're not a bunch of dropouts with nothing but time on our hands. We have school, real life friends (something you might not have the pleasure of having from your attitude) and we have families. We cannot spend everyday playing video games for hours. And if we decide to ban you when we are playing, because you are breaking our rules then so be it. Make an appeal, not cry that we won't "SS" with you, because "SSing" proves absolutely nothing whatsoever. Go make an appeal or stay banned.

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