fav for the rest of my life

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Aug 6, 2016
Hello my name is DionPlayz_ I LOVE this server it is my favorite server EVER and it will be my favorite server until i die.i am really good at helping with the server and people because i have my own server.I would Love to be Helper.I will Thank cloakfox For the Rest Of my LIFE
Hello my name is DionPlayz_ I LOVE this server it is my favorite server EVER and it will be my favorite server until i die.i am really good at helping with the server and people because i have my own server.I would Love to be Helper.I will Thank cloakfox For the Rest Of my LIFE
Welcome to the forums, Dion! :D I'm glad to hear you love the server, but don't marry it, please.
Hello my name is DionPlayz_ I LOVE this server it is my favorite server EVER and it will be my favorite server until i die.i am really good at helping with the server and people because i have my own server.I would Love to be Helper.I will Thank cloakfox For the Rest Of my LIFE
Welcome to forums Dion! I'm happy you enjoy this community. Contact me if you need anything.
You're in luck, Helper applications are open! Follow the correct format, and post in correct section.
Hello my name is DionPlayz_ I LOVE this server it is my favorite server EVER and it will be my favorite server until i die.i am really good at helping with the server and people because i have my own server.I would Love to be Helper.I will Thank cloakfox For the Rest Of my LIFE
Hey Dion and welcome on forums! Good luck with your apply!
Hello my name is DionPlayz_ I LOVE this server it is my favorite server EVER and it will be my favorite server until i die.i am really good at helping with the server and people because i have my own server.I would Love to be Helper.I will Thank cloakfox For the Rest Of my LIFE
you don't just ask for helper, as of right now, your chances are almost slim to none. But right now you'd prob get denied, because of how lil you joined forums, and your inexperience with staffing, but glad to meet you and i hope i see you around the server.
Hello my name is DionPlayz_ I LOVE this server it is my favorite server EVER and it will be my favorite server until i die.i am really good at helping with the server and people because i have my own server.I would Love to be Helper.I will Thank cloakfox For the Rest Of my LIFE
you don't just ask for helper, as of right now, your chances are almost slim to none. But right now you'd prob get denied, because of how lil you joined forums, and your inexperience with staffing, but glad to meet you and i hope i see you around the server.
Don't mind six... he's just an arrogant kid... (JK six. luv u! or nah)
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Hello my name is DionPlayz_ I LOVE this server it is my favorite server EVER and it will be my favorite server until i die.i am really good at helping with the server and people because i have my own server.I would Love to be Helper.I will Thank cloakfox For the Rest Of my LIFE
Welcome dion
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