Player Report Operation Help.

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New Member
Jul 7, 2016
Heyo! I'm a bit confused where I should place a player report. The other day I created a player report and posted the thread in the server the inncident took place. I was told by an Admin (one of the best around :)) to place it in a thread but I didn't quite getcwhat he/she meant. The only place I can possibly think of is the "Player Reports" discussion but there are no threads that have been posted. Is this because the threads must be confidential and shouldn't be shown to the community? I would like some help so I can do the right thing next time.

Side Note: Still loving the server! :D
You nailed it man. It goes in Player Reports, but there's no threads because they're privatized to the community, post it there with the correct format, and you're all good.
I'm good at Acing things not nailing them. Ergh, I hate hammers and Bob Da Builder. :eek:!

In all seriousness thanks this really helped alot mate.
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