Craziest Foxcraft Story?

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Mar 7, 2016
San Antonio, Texas
Alright guys what your craziest story you have to tell on Foxcraft? I'll tell you mine:
So I have $30 and I buy some FoxKings the donor rank to demote them. They went crazy and connor came on and sorted it by banning me... banning me for giving the server a free $30 dollars. Not just banned but perm banned but you know @cloakfox came in clutch (thanks cloak) and hit me up. Also, this happened a day before my birthday haha but yeah I learned my lesson not to joke around cause cloak don't play that crap lmao XD
Alright drop your stories below.
Alright guys what your craziest story you have to tell on Foxcraft? I'll tell you mine:
So I have $30 and I buy some FoxKings the donor rank to demote them. They went crazy and connor came on and sorted it by banning me... banning me for giving the server a free $30 dollars. Not just banned but perm banned but you know @cloakfox came in clutch (thanks cloak) and hit me up. Also, this happened a day before my birthday haha but yeah I learned my lesson not to joke around cause cloak don't play that crap lmao XD
Alright drop your stories below.
Hm... Server updates.
When I first got accepted for Hacker Patrol, I saw that connor had accepted my application. I was really happy, but a second later, an update to the thread was posted saying I was denied + Perm Banned for chargeback. I was extremely confused because I never chargedback. Then I remembered that a user under the name therriano90 bought me the [VIP] rank in exchange for some sets of p4 + other stuff on KitPvP. Luckily, at that time I was in the SlothSquad Skype Chat, so I hit Jayxhotdog up and told her that I did not chargeback and that another player had chargedback. Jayxhotdog then told connor and cloak and I was accepted again...

- That was my craziest Foxcraft story. It was a rush of frustration, quick thinking, and relief. Most of you probably don't know this happened, but I guess you do now!

If it wasn't for @jayxkrazies , I wouldnt have been HPatrol - abd probably would not be staff today - ty jayxhotdog

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Sounds fun.

So I was on Kitpvp, as expected. Just chilling, normal day of being a HPatrol and addicted to Kitpvp. So I hop on Skype, I see HPatrol chat is buzzing, decide to see what's up. There was talk of a "HPatrol+" rank...given to those who should have more permissions. A few days later, @xExecutorx is on Kitpvp. I give him my usual greeting; "helo josh pl0x promote gud staff ihelp server! plz!" And he is like "puny" HP, come back when you have a dark red name like me (OP)" Anyway he decides to toy around with the new HPatrol+ rank, testing it on me. One thing led to another, and I've been demoted + lost Skyfox and Josh has given up on the new rank!! Of course I get HP and Skyfox back within a few days and all is well.
From me being and immature **** who'd never would get near to a single staff position to now being an [Mod].

So like one day I woke up and like nothing happened for the rest of the day I was very un-progressive then it hit me I found out my days we're like that every day the end. #Relatable. <--------- do that if that is you. Dont forget to Like, Comment, and Subscribe! :D

This was when Connor, or someone else basically blew up the server and everyone had op. The server spawn was blown up, everything was ruined. The hub was blown up all the servers were destroyed. So all the staff members,(I just got promoted to Mod at this time) got into a skype call and discussed what we should do. Everything was CHAOS legit the staff were screaming and getting really stressed out. So we tried to not going to shut down the server, we banned everyone to prevent further damage. Cloak couldn't get on as he was asleep so we had to deal with it. Lots of stuff happened in that skype call. First, Krosi was nicknamed Crossiant. Second, Jaywiz is really stupid. JK. And finally when cloak came back on he rolled everything back. Sooooo what a lot of you guys don't know is what happened in the skype call, and how we had to deal with everyone getting OP. So yea that's the end. see ya. dont forget to like this post. :P
Alright guys what your craziest story you have to tell on Foxcraft? I'll tell you mine:
So I have $30 and I buy some FoxKings the donor rank to demote them. They went crazy and connor came on and sorted it by banning me... banning me for giving the server a free $30 dollars. Not just banned but perm banned but you know @cloakfox came in clutch (thanks cloak) and hit me up. Also, this happened a day before my birthday haha but yeah I learned my lesson not to joke around cause cloak don't play that crap lmao XD
Alright drop your stories below.
Alright, so I was playing on creative and I was building on my plot. Some players start freaking out, and I didn't know what the hell was happening. They were screaming about how people were grieving there plot when they weren't even added. All of a sudden people start tpaing to me, and everyone starts yelling. They start blowing up my creations. Staff comes on and they're like; Oh ****, people are grieving spawn! All the players go to spawn, and they start breaking everything. Then the server shuts down, and everyone acts like they're going to die.
Then nothing what happened on Creative was saved. Thankfully.
Though people were still acting like they were suffering. They said their childhoods were ruined. Lmao.
The end.
When I first got accepted for Hacker Patrol, I saw that connor had accepted my application. I was really happy, but a second later, an update to the thread was posted saying I was denied + Perm Banned for chargeback. I was extremely confused because I never chargedback. Then I remembered that a user under the name therriano90 bought me the [VIP] rank in exchange for some sets of p4 + other stuff on KitPvP. Luckily, at that time I was in the SlothSquad Skype Chat, so I hit Jayxhotdog up and told her that I did not chargeback and that another player had chargedback. Jayxhotdog then told connor and cloak and I was accepted again...

- That was my craziest Foxcraft story. It was a rush of frustration, quick thinking, and relief. Most of you probably don't know this happened, but I guess you do now!

If it wasn't for @jayxkrazies , I wouldnt have been HPatrol - abd probably would not be staff today - ty jayxhotdog

I remember therriano90, he was the ruthless kid who was the p4 king of kitpvp back in the old days ;) how i miss those times on forest hill with Greynium and ninjastar27
So like one day I woke up and like nothing happened for the rest of the day I was very un-progressive then it hit me I found out my days we're like that every day the end. #Relatable. <--------- do that if that is you. Dont forget to Like, Comment, and Subscribe! :D
You said 'Like comment and sub', do you have a yt channel?
I remember therriano90, he was the ruthless kid who was the p4 king of kitpvp back in the old days ;) how i miss those times on forest hill with Greynium and ninjastar27
You said 'Like comment and sub', do you have a yt channel?
No therriano was ****, I betrayed the **** outta him and got all his p4, and ninjastar is also bad af... germanium betrayed therriano too.
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Well, I have one from old Prison.
So my 3 friends, Sarah(@TH3R3ALNYCOD3), Julianne(Cupcake), and myself were chilling at our plots one night. Julianne had made friends with a chick who ended up taking things from Julianne's plot. Then Julianne decided, as myself and Sarah watched from afar, to raid her plot. As Julianne was doing so, @connor12568, our lovely retired Head-staff(Who was Head-staff at the time) noticed her raiding the plot. He chased after her and was electrocuting her with lightning bolts in the plot world. Ahaha. We were all in a skype call, and for 3 minutes straight, Julianne was screaming at the top of her lungs, sprinting as fast as she could from Connor. (And we were in the background, laughing our asses off). But sadly, Connor was too quick for her, rip.

The End.
When i was playing Skywars there was a player that insulted me, I didn't really care much but reported it to @C2Obezerk // Zerky and @Krosi on Skyblock, They came on Skywars and gave the player temp-mute. I got frustrated because i believed he deserved a ban for being racist (I didn't know the rules around then). I was then typing paragraph length on why he should've been banned they logged off... rip.

I got angry and decided to get on the Forums and signed up, I Signed up 1 month after playing on Foxcraft, I made 2 threads. 1 introduction and 1 for racism incident because i was frustrated. The community was quite welcoming and i had received Overwhelming amount of positive comments because i was mature and 20 years old which then i decided to stay active on forums and in-game and made new friends... Now i'm a Moderator on Foxcraft and it's fantastic experience.

(oh no... Dansors wrote another essay yet again....)
Once upon a time, little Krosi and @Fanciness were playing prison. All the OG staff members were online at the time (including @xExecutorx and @connor12568) There was this one player who kept getting muted over and over again so Josh decided to permanently ban him. After a long speech about how Josh was sick of the player he decided to ban them. He bans the player (as expected) but only for 9 seconds. The friendly Connor we all know tells him, "9 seconds! That'll show him!"

This was when Connor, or someone else basically blew up the server and everyone had op. The server spawn was blown up, everything was ruined. The hub was blown up all the servers were destroyed. So all the staff members,(I just got promoted to Mod at this time) got into a skype call and discussed what we should do. Everything was CHAOS legit the staff were screaming and getting really stressed out. So we tried to not going to shut down the server, we banned everyone to prevent further damage. Cloak couldn't get on as he was asleep so we had to deal with it. Lots of stuff happened in that skype call. First, Krosi was nicknamed Crossiant. Second, Jaywiz is really stupid. JK. And finally when cloak came back on he rolled everything back. Sooooo what a lot of you guys don't know is what happened in the skype call, and how we had to deal with everyone getting OP. So yea that's the end. see ya. dont forget to like this post. :p
Hahahaha, I remember Croissant. However, I only recall hearing @Idkaname8 screaming.
Once Upon a Time ... in Foxcraft,

There was this **** named GlazedBear (nvm, there still is) and he decided to do a good thing for the community! Get rid of the nuisance(s) of the server! I devised a plan with a couple of my friends, you know who you are, and we were going to get rid of this guy! So, what happened was, one of my friends gave me the login details to this ****'s alternate account. Boi, was I hyped! I was at my Mother's for the weekend, so I was ECSTATIC to get home and log on. So, I open my minecraft launcher and log into this alt. The name was some stupid ****, VelocityRaptor23 possibly (for some reason I think that's the name). I was like, I'm getting this fucker banned on the alt, then I'll get his main banned for ban evasion! Boom! Plan was devised, and I didn't tell any of my friends. Minutes before everything was going to fall into motion, I had thought about some things in Foxcraft that this could destory.


  • My friendship with this despicable human being.
  • My probation deal with Connor to rejoin the forums.
  • Being banned for a 2nd time for technical ban evasion.

So, I told my friends "**** it. I'm getting this account banned!". Oh sure I did! I advertised one of the most popular MC networks, because that server totally needs more recognition. Sure enough, within 20 minutes, that ***** was banned! EVERYONE knew this account belonged to this one despicable individual, so of course players such as @jayxkrazies were almost harassed with people saying he was online & ban evading, as that was his alternate. Sure enough, the **** was banned! *Fireworks fly in the air*. The next day, I woke up and went on FC to check that I still hadn't been banned. I wasn't -- to my surprise. I complete my school day and get home. I'm so hyped to play Foxcraft again -- and my Skype has 9 notifications. I open, and I have messages from the one, the only, connor12568. Some stupid **** about breaking the probation blah blah blah you're being IP banned blah blah blah I hate you stupid **** blah blah blah I'm gonna favorite you and IP ban you because i despise you blah blah blah. So you get the point. I got IP-Banned. But just to put the very sour, bitter icing on the cake, @iCryBaby_ had also lost his position as Guard, and to this day nobody still knows why *cough* connor does tho *cough*.

--Fast Foward to March--

Forums was ruined. Connor deleted everything, and the forums had to be started from scratch. Wait - this isn't how this goes.

--Rewind to January 2016--

Forums was alive. Connor was GONE. (not sure if he was gone yet) I was still P.O.'d about the whole ban. (The alt will stay banned unless appealed/unban pass was bought). I demanded an unban, or at least a removal of the ban! Now, I wasn't going to be pathetic and just create a little pity party (it's my party and i'll cry if i want to) for myself, oh no, I went all out on this appeal. I showed Skype logs, evidence, and everything. This all proved my point that my IP-Ban was biased, and I sent it off to cloak through PM. (Not sure how I was even on forums tbh) Sure enough, cloakfox was nice enough to accept my appeal. He put me on the terms that I had to buy an unban pass, as he refused to accept any appeals for a ban. I purchased 2 ban appeals, for MY 2 accounts that had been banned. My main, and an alternate. **** the other one, that ***** deserved to be banned. I had to work hard, but I got unbanned and to this day I fluently enjoy FC with the wonderful community & administration team.


The moral of the story? Don't do stupid **** for stupid people.

Thanks for reading my shady as **** story, hope you enjoyed the tea I spilled today.


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My craziest story, well I really don't have one because I'm new, but I just joined prison and took someone's iron ingot from a furnace but then gave it back and said it was a joke. They were happy after that so it's all good.
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