The state of Foxcraft and what needs to be done immediately.

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You don't understand that? Okay well let me re-phrase it so you hopefully do understand what I am saying. Jayxkrazies has 50 million + if she was the one with a low amount of money I am sure she would be complaining (if she didn't have staff as well)
Skyblock is well balanced as far as I know. Lol.
I still hope everyone realizes that Factions specifically needs some updates to give it life. I have ideas.
^ I've been playing skyblock for a long time now and earned pretty much all of that money myself lol. I just use the resources the server gives everyone to make that money efficiently so everyone else has the same oppurtinity to make money like me.
I never said that others couldn't I honestly admire you for getting that achievement of a balance, I mean I reached my goal of a 65k island.
Anyone can do anything with enough time and effort.
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