The state of Foxcraft and what needs to be done immediately.

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Mar 7, 2016
Hello everyone, It's me FalloutKnight. In this thread I would like to explain what is degrading the quality of our server and how to fix it. I was going to write this thread later but once I heard news of Mojang planning to not going to shut down servers I knew I had to type this thread ASAP. I am going to go through all of the servers with problems and solutions.

The quality of the server has been degrading for quite a while now. Sadly we lost 3 decent factions servers and that was only the beginning. They were replaced by another factions server that was even worse than the other 3. We were told that is would be an upgrade compared to the old ones but it isn't. Foxcraft Factions used to be really fun and probably the best factions server I had ever played. In order to give it life again we have to add activities like the Faction Wars suggestion. Anyway, there is lots of work that needs to be done to the factions server.

The next server that I will address is the Kitpvp server. It is easy to find many complaints from people all over the forums. The updates killed Kitpvp and it would be a wonderful idea to undo them. You took kits away from donators and expected people to continue to enjoy the server. Also if you undo the updates it wouldn't be considered "Pay to win". You can find more on why the kitpvp update was a fail by looking through the forums.

Alright, those were the servers that I felt needed the most attention. Now I am going to explain a couple other things I feel could help Foxcraft out. So a lot of people were upset with the new way ranks work. 100dollars for foxking on only one server seems kind of outrageous. My suggestion is making bundles where you can buy foxking for around 3 servers. Adding more challenges and activities to servers like OP-Prison, Factions, and Prison. I have much more that I could say but i'd rather put out some my suggestions for the server in the suggestions area. The suggestions will regard solutions to the Mojang shutting down stuff any how we can still encourage people to donate.

If any further explanation is needed just ask me. Please feel free to build upon the topic and give opinion about the updates. @cloakfox @Affixes
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I will only say one thing. That is about the Mojang blacklisting servers. Mojang is only blacklisting "pay to win" pvp servers. Foxcraft follows the EULA and is up to date. Foxcraft is also not just based around pvp and it not "pay to win". Foxcraft is an all around type server that will not be touched my Mojang. I'll also talk about kitpvp. Like every other server when updated, it takes time to make it right for everyone. It starts off bad, gets better, ends good. Patients is key, time is essence
Hello everyone, It's me FalloutKnight. In this thread I would like to explain what is degrading the quality of our server and how to fix it. I was going to write this thread later but once I heard news of Mojang planning to not going to shut down servers I knew I had to type this thread ASAP. I am going to go through all of the servers with problems and solutions.

The quality of the server has been degrading for quite a while now. Sadly we lost 3 decent factions servers and that was only the beginning. They were replaced by another factions server that was even worse than the other 3. We were told that is would be an upgrade compared to the old ones but it isn't. Foxcraft Factions used to be really fun and probably the best factions server I had ever played. In order to give it life again we have to add activities like the Faction Wars suggestion. Anyway, there is lots of work that needs to be done to the factions server.

The next server that I will address is the Kitpvp server. It is easy to find many complaints from people all over the forums. The updates killed Kitpvp and it would be a wonderful idea to undo them. You took kits away from donators and expected people to continue to enjoy the server. Also if you undo the updates it wouldn't be considered "Pay to win". You can find more on why the kitpvp update was a fail by looking through the forums.

Alright, those were the servers that I felt needed the most attention. Now I am going to explain a couple other things I feel could help Foxcraft out. So a lot of people were upset with the new way ranks work. 100dollars for foxking on only one server seems kind of outrageous. My suggestion is making bundles where you can buy foxking for around 3 servers. Adding more challenges and activities to servers like OP-Prison, Factions, and Prison. I have much more that I could say but i'd rather put out some my suggestions for the server in the suggestions area. The suggestions will regard solutions to the Mojang shutting down stuff any how we can still encourage people to donate.

If any further explanation is needed just ask me. Please feel free to build upon the topic and give opinion about the updates. @cloakfox @Affixes
I agree with everything you just said. Factions was the best server and they ruined it Kitpvp the same and i agree with the rank separated from every server.
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I think kitpvp right now is actually pay-to-win, no offence cloak.
I will only say one thing. That is about the Mojang blacklisting servers. Mojang is only blacklisting "pay to win" pvp servers. Foxcraft follows the EULA and is up to date. Foxcraft is also not just based around pvp and it not "pay to win". Foxcraft is an all around type server that will not be touched my Mojang. I'll also talk about kitpvp. Like every other server when updated, it takes time to make it right for everyone. It starts off bad, gets better, ends good. Patients is key, time is essence
We actually only half follow the EULA, so it is actually a big issue for us.
We actually only half follow the EULA, so it is actually a big issue for us.
True enough, though I still think Foxcraft will not be one of those 30 something servers blacklisted. Unlike those servers, we follow half of the EULA, those others servers refuse to follow any part of it.
We actually only half follow the EULA, so it is actually a big issue for us.
A simple solution would be the old kitpvp with kit wingman,barbarian,bull and so on. This kitpvp was well balanced between donors, and non-donors. Also it's loads of fun and I'd say people will enjoy this kitpvp even more then the kitpvp e currently have. But if cloak does not want to listen to me/some others. Then maybe Foxcraft will be blacklisted.
A simple solution would be the old kitpvp with kit wingman,barbarian,bull and so on. This kitpvp was well balanced between donors, and non-donors. Also it's loads of fun and I'd say people will enjoy this kitpvp even more then the kitpvp e currently have. But if cloak does not want to listen to me/some others. Then maybe Foxcraft will be blacklisted.
No doubt about that. If Foxcraft went back to half of what it was back in 1.7, Fox could get big again, 600+ people a day, no blacklists, no unhappy players. The good old days :)
I am currently brainstorming for eula compliant ideas, already a few in mind for the new prison server, wich I am planning to release as eula compliant, and there for not pay 2 win.
Keep in mind that this thread is not specifically for the EULA problem but the problems of the Foxcraft servers.
Well, you forgot how Skyblock went to hell, first we got the reset due to spawn protection being breached and then we started losing things like "/baltop" and money is a joke now like Tf @jayxkrazies and her 54 some odd million and fortune 8 pickaxes?! like come on ... and honestly McMMO? this is SKYBLOCK not factions.. I know this is kinda a rant but seriously in all honesty Sb needs a fixing. and with KitPvP Cloak knows old KitPvP was better he just doesn't want to listen to the community. And in all fairness it is his server so he can do what he wants I just hope we earn the back 600+ players a day instead of capping at 200.
^ I've been playing skyblock for a long time now and earned pretty much all of that money myself lol. I just use the resources the server gives everyone to make that money efficiently so everyone else has the same oppurtinity to make money like me.
^ I've been playing skyblock for a long time now and earned pretty much all of that money myself lol. I just use the resources the server gives everyone to make that money efficiently so everyone else has the same oppurtinity to make money like me.
you are just saying that because you are the one with that money, I could pass you easy with a couple weeks of work as I already have a good amount, if you were in the shoes of other people and who weren't staff then they would disagree, in all honestly you're just saying it cause you are staff and always agree with cloak
you are just saying that because you are the one with that money, I could pass you easy with a couple weeks of work as I already have a good amount, if you were in the shoes of other people and who weren't staff then they would disagree, in all honestly you're just saying it cause you are staff and always agree with cloak
That makes no sense at all defeck
That makes no sense at all defeck
You don't understand that? Okay well let me re-phrase it so you hopefully do understand what I am saying. Jayxkrazies has 50 million + if she was the one with a low amount of money I am sure she would be complaining (if she didn't have staff as well)
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