Money Guide for newbies

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New Member
Dec 10, 2023
[How to get a job]
* Do /jobsmenu, you will get a window popup and you can choose whatever job you want.

[Little bit of information about the jobs]
* Some types of jobs/occupation you can choose is.
  • Brewer (Earns money by brewing potions)
  • Builder (Earns money by building structures)
  • Crafter (Earns money by crafting items)
  • Digger (Earns money by digging with shovel)
  • Miner (Earns money by mining minerals and ores, and just mining in general)
  • Hunter (Earns money by killing animals and mobs)
  • Farmer (Earns money by farming crops and planting crops etc.)
  • Woodcutter (Earns money by cutting wood and planting wood)
* There are a few more, you can check if you are interested. Now you have chosen a specific job you want to join, do /jobs join (occupation)

Job Strat
Join farmer and hunting job.
1. Use all of your claim-blocks as a plot of land. On top of theclaim use it to grow as much of crops as possible. (Grow Wheat and Carrots)
2. Underground you have animals (sheep, cows, pigs or chickens. It’s best if you use two different animals for this strat). Stack the animals as much you can. Preferably sheep and cows. (Remember you don’t need carrot’s if you don’t have pigs.)
3. You can use sheer to get wool, you should get around 20$ for one stack of wool (not worth. Cloak should up the earnings from selling on /shop)
4. And when you stack max of these animals, kill half of each. (Use axe and not a sword). You would probably earn about 1k-1.5k.

[First and second rule of selling]
* Don’t overprice and do not underprice too much. Find out by asking someone who seems nice in chat, or some staff (idk, it’s a job in itself to find these things out).

[Action house]
* Where you can sell your items for set price. Or make it a bidding.
* Do /ah, to open your Auction House menu. Here you see what everyone else put up on Auction.
* And if you want to put anything on /ah do this while holding the item you want to sell on the Auction, you type; /ah sell (amount) The amount is your own choice. But as mentioned, do not overprice or underprice.

[Little bit of tip how to get something sold]
  • Sell what people want. Don’t sell 2 seeds.
  • Even if someone wants 2 seeds, they wouldn’t have bought it from the /ah, easily just gone to plains and just get it from there. (just an example)
  • How do you know what people want from /ah. See what people discuss in chat, most likely minions or spawners.
  • How do you get spawners or minions
  • You can mine spawners, but you need Mysticfox rank to mine spawners. And you will get minions by either buy them from others or by spending real money or gift cards on
Selling strats (2 ways)
[First strat, Sell Elytra’s]
  1. Get yourself money so you get yourself some basic armor and some damage dealing weapon.
  1. Get your *** to End and find elytra.
  1. Find one, set a home. Go back to base, fix mending and unbreaking3.
  1. Go back to your home in End. Fly the direction the boat is pointing at. If you came from the direction the boat was pointing at, just go another direction. Keep going and farm some elytras.
  1. Upgrade with mending and unbreaking3, then sell them on /ah
[Second strat, Sell Spawners]
* (need mysticfox rank to proceed) *
* When you have gotten your rank, now you can pick up spawners.
* But how can you find spawners. Easiest spawners to find is the cave spider spawners or the blaze spawners
  1. For cave spider spawners, you use your elytra and fly one direction (West, North, east, south) until you find big holes in mountains or the ground. You check for visible railways. If you find any railways, try to look for some spawners.
  1. For blaze spawners, you also use your elytra to fly in the nether. Find some new fortresses and mine the spawners. Pretty straight forward. Then sell them on /ah.
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