How do I create a shop where players sell there stuff at

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Hold one of those items in your hand and left click (or shift left click) a chest, and then type in chat the amount.
To change selling/buying left click the chestshop sign and you'll have a few options in chat; hover and click on Buying to change it to Selling which makes it so people will sell the items to you!
Hold one of those items in your hand and left click (or shift left click) a chest, and then type in chat the amount.
To change selling/buying left click the chestshop sign and you'll have a few options in chat; hover and click on Buying to change it to Selling which makes it so people will sell the items to you!
When I do that All it shows is like modify price and staff amount.
Try /qs buy while looking at the shop. You also need foxking/queen in order to change your shop to a buy shop.
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