Skin event // Game Characters

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Event Coordinator
Sr. Mod
Feb 22, 2023

Hello Foxcraft community,
Welcome back to a new event! Spooktober has gone by in a flash,
and it’s time for a new challenge.

I am really excited to tell you about our skin event.
This time, the challenge will be to create your own skin!
And the theme is: video game characters.

Don't we all have that one character we look up to?
We look forward to seeing your original skin based off of your favourite character.
Bonus points if you can tell us why you chose this particular game and character!

What are the rewards?
  • 1st place: € 50,- store gift card
  • 2nd place: € 40,- store gift card
  • 3rd place: € 25,- store gift card
  • 4th place: € 20,- store gift card
  • 5th place: € 15,- store gift card

How to participate in the event
Choose a game (other than minecraft) that you adore.
Then, take a character from that game, a good guy, a bad guy, a funny guy, anyone.
And turn that character into your own original skin, you can use Skindex for example.


Then, download your skin and launch minecraft. Head over to “Skins”, and press the + sign to add a new skin.
Lastly, upload the skin file you just downloaded and voila! Your hero has just been added to minecraft.


How to submit your skin

After completing your skin on Skindex, and uploading it to your minecraft account, join the server on IP:
Choose your favourite gamemode with the server selector, and have a photoshoot with your character.
Then, upload your screenshots and a description here: Fill out this form

Woah there, partner. Before you get started, please read the rules!
We are looking forward to unique skins that no-one has made before. We would love to see recognizable skins that relate to the original character.
  • Downloaded or edited skins will be disqualified
  • Skins that are offensive/nude/disrespectful will be disqualified
  • Submitted skins must be in-game characters (of any game)
  • You may submit only one skin
  • You must fill out the form completely to participate

How are winners picked?
You can view each other's submissions on the forums and leave a reaction on the skins you like,
event submissions with the most likes or reactions are eligible to win one of our five rewards.
Check out all submitted skins here: Event submissions

The event starts today on Friday 17 November and ends Sunday 3 December.
The winner will be picked monday 4 December

Thanks for reading and see you soon!
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Time is up! We have some nice skins submitted to this contest, so let’s see who won!

1. Fish Thicc from @Cat_Lover44
Your character “Fish Thicc” from fortnite was a very neat, simple design. I loved the colours and it looks a lot like the original! What I loved most was the reasoning behind choosing this character, saving up for a skin and bonding with your brother, this skin makes you go back to the good ol’ days. :)

2. Simon "Ghost" Riley from @Eliza12grace
Your character “Simon Ghost Riley” from Call Of Duty was undoubtedly a hard one to make. You chose to make a badass skin out of a badass character, and you did it well too. I’m very impressed!

3. Diglett from @szyris
Your character “Diglett” from Pokemon Red looks a lot like the original, it’s characteristic big nose is a big give-away and also very cute. Diglett is usually underground and so the rest of the body was up to you. Good job!

Thank you for submitting your characters, the participants have received a private message.

See you at the next event!
Kind regards,

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