Reset Skyblock

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New Member
Nov 1, 2022
Hello, since some things are about to change on the Skyblock server, it would make sense to simply reset it. The financial system is messed up anyway because some players got too much money too quickly (myself included). Many things are no longer usable after the change and I would be in favor of a reset being carried out, so every player is back to square one and the fun can be had again. There are of course 1-2 things that, in my opinion, should not be lost and that is, on the one hand, the island size and the in-game rank. I would also be very happy to see more of the team here at Skyblock.
if that were to happen i would love to see that we get to keep our minions also. then i would not be too agiants a reset
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I could see having the in-game rank kept, as well as any minions straight up purchased from the website, but crate keys and such would be lost, and minions bought with in-game money would be lost. That would be fair.
If we could keep in game rank, and minions bought with real life currency, I would be all for a reset.
Yes all balance, pv's, and enderchests would be cleared out, that make sense. Rank and real-money minions would make the most sense.
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No the only thing you keep after a reset is your rank, and mostly your last purchased items in the past 2 weeks or something.

As it went with oneblock, purchases of crate keys, island upgrades and minions made in the past 2 months would most likely be re-queued. Ranks are always kept as those are permanent, indeed.
skyblock does desperately need a reset but i don't see it happening for atleast 6 months because Oneblock also just reset and pumping out 2 resets in the timespan of 1 month is very unlikely. also they need to look into some of the issues that current skyblock has and decide what to do with it before it can be reset again
skyblock does desperately need a reset but i don't see it happening for atleast 6 months because Oneblock also just reset and pumping out 2 resets in the timespan of 1 month is very unlikely. also they need to look into some of the issues that current skyblock has and decide what to do with it before it can be reset again
I just want to keep my rank and minions I purchased with my money.
you keep your rank but the minions will most likely be lost. unless you bought them 2 months before the reset then you can make a ticket to get them back in teh new reset
I guess minions are cheap enough I could live with that, but at 7$ a pop its kinda triggering my cheapskate.
I have discussed this with my wife, we just started playing skyblock and we like the way that the server is so far. We would not mind a restart, but our island was created less than 2 weeks ago and we never had access to the tools that many of the players had with SF, their massive islands with broken automation. I can understand restarting for a clean slate with the economy and islands and items that wont work because they are meant for SF.

I just ask that we can keep our ranks and minions that we purchased from the store. We can make it back to where we are again. Otherwise I am okay with the way everything is. Just the right amount of difficulty and the skills bring a lot to the table for skyblock
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