Helper Applicants

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Mar 7, 2016
Trapped Under 11kobeer's Chin
Who else is scared about the this batch of players that will apply for helper? I'm mortified to be frank.

Sum nerds that I'd not be disgusted to see promoted:
Dansors, to trial.
Hyllus would be pretty good. Good luck to you dude.

Who else is scared about the this batch of players that will apply for helper? I'm mortified to be frank.

Sum nerds that I'd not be disgusted to see promoted:
Dansors, to trial.
Hyllus would be pretty good. Good luck to you dude.

Wow, I'm honored! Thanks! xD When you said Super I thought you meant Super_Guy and I almost laughed. I'm not really sure I'll apply. I'd like to but there's issues.
Top bad I'm not applying ;) . I do appreciatie it do that you're thinking IF I were to apply I would get the job.
My advice is: If you're thinking about applying but aren't 100% committed to it apply anyways. You have nothing to lose and nobody (I hope) will think less of you. Nothing and No one is going to stop you from applying unless you have some sort of personal reason, but other than that I encourage everyone to at least give it a shot.
My advice is: If you're thinking about applying but aren't 100% committed to it apply anyways. You have nothing to lose and nobody (I hope) will think less of you. Nothing and No one is going to stop you from applying unless you have some sort of personal reason, but other than that I encourage everyone to at least give it a shot.
Amazing speech:p
Who else is scared about the this batch of players that will apply for helper? I'm mortified to be frank.

Sum nerds that I'd not be disgusted to see promoted:
Wait me?
Well @Micm_ you rated my post agree but I'm going to apply because the server Isn't how it use to be I don't enjoy/like it as much as before, busy with intros and I don't play MC that much either I'm just on the forums because the community is nice. :P
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