Kingdom server

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Known Member
Mar 23, 2019
Hey cloak.

I think it's a good start u did a reset again but if im being honest this server is so boring.
Please look back at the times when u the assasins gear came in to the server.
U could pvp for hours that was fun. But now? The swords are to weird to overpowerd the server is this close to dying again.
The server looks like a survival game honestly thats not the gamemode. the 2 worlds? straight up boring. Its fine that u don't want to be invaded but please make it so you just can't pvp in their clames that neutral option was the best. Now we have a world where u can't pvp???
It's honestly trash. I have never been this dissapointed in a reset.
People are playing this game to make money? Like im the richest on baltop?
Thats not what this gamemode should be.

Back in the times there was skill involved. Yea the crit gems were P2W.
But when u could really pvp without getting ur screen dark or without ur items swapping from places or getting thrown 300000 meters in the air. Yes i can go on listing things that ruin the pvp.
When we could really pvp without this custom enchants thats when i loved to play Foxcraft.

Sure u can add those enchantments in the game but make it nerfed make it fun to play with.
Combine the worlds add the neutral option again -> with a cooldown.
Bring the nexus back please.

Things u should really really think about.
Why arent' there spawn clames?
What is the point of the pvp area? When u can't lose the gear.
What is fun on a kingdom server when the swords are always 1 tap or 3 tap ( just to overpowerd)
Why is a pvp server on 1.9 pvp? Honestly this sucks
The no pvp world on a kingdoms server? -> u should really remove it.
Bring back the old school pvp.
I think most of the community doesn't like the 1 tap swords with the custom enchants or the overpowerd gear.
Remove custom enchants
Bring back tokens like 2019 don't make them P2W make sure the tokens are accessible for everyone.

Tell me how long will kingdoms last this time? 1 month? maybe 2?

If u don't agree with me please answer on this forum post
I hope u see this Cloakfox and take you're time to read it.
ffh6 -aka Traantjes
Fix this please!
Hey cloak.

I think it's a good start u did a reset again but if im being honest this server is so boring.
Please look back at the times when u the assasins gear came in to the server.
U could pvp for hours that was fun. But now? The swords are to weird to overpowerd the server is this close to dying again.
The server looks like a survival game honestly thats not the gamemode. the 2 worlds? straight up boring. Its fine that u don't want to be invaded but please make it so you just can't pvp in their clames that neutral option was the best. Now we have a world where u can't pvp???
It's honestly trash. I have never been this dissapointed in a reset.
People are playing this game to make money? Like im the richest on baltop?
Thats not what this gamemode should be.

Back in the times there was skill involved. Yea the crit gems were P2W.
But when u could really pvp without getting ur screen dark or without ur items swapping from places or getting thrown 300000 meters in the air. Yes i can go on listing things that ruin the pvp.
When we could really pvp without this custom enchants thats when i loved to play Foxcraft.

Sure u can add those enchantments in the game but make it nerfed make it fun to play with.
Combine the worlds add the neutral option again -> with a cooldown.
Bring the nexus back please.

Things u should really really think about.
Why arent' there spawn clames?
What is the point of the pvp area? When u can't lose the gear.
What is fun on a kingdom server when the swords are always 1 tap or 3 tap ( just to overpowerd)
Why is a pvp server on 1.9 pvp? Honestly this sucks
The no pvp world on a kingdoms server? -> u should really remove it.
Bring back the old school pvp.
I think most of the community doesn't like the 1 tap swords with the custom enchants or the overpowerd gear.
Remove custom enchants
Bring back tokens like 2019 don't make them P2W make sure the tokens are accessible for everyone.

If u don't agree with me please answer on this forum post
I hope u see this Cloakfox and take you're time to read it.
ffh6 -aka Traantjes
Fix this please!

W opinion
1.8 pvp was way better.
custom enchants are fine but there are way to many.
i would prefer to play with like max 10 custom enchants or non.
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Custom enchants are fine, just learn to play with them :) but don't make this game about baltop... We want to raid D:
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Custom enchants are fine, just learn to play with them :) but don't make this game about baltop... We want to raid D:
Thats your opinion and thats fine.
But when u pvp with those sword do you think there's any skill involved?
Like nerf the swords and the custom enchants can stay.
But the pvp isn't pvp with those swords.
1.8 pvp with those effects would be nice but the swords should be nerfed.
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It seems like you're simply reminiscing on 'the good ol days' when it has always been one-tap pvp, even with assassasins gear. The 1.9 pvp is working great with most custom enchants and I personally haven't found any major issues or disadvantages with it. While the enchants are balanced, the skills are sadly not. The amount of time it takes to max out fighting/archery skills does not go hand in hand with the amount of time you put into maxing out defense/healing skills. This causes a pretty heavy unbalance when pvping in Olympus. A possible solution herefor is nerfing the strength percentage you get from the skills or buffing the defense.

Furthermore I would like to add that the pvp area is great as it is; it's the perfect place to test out your loot without losing it and to meassure and fight your enemies without real consequenses. The absence of pvp claims is the best thing; pvp claims were only used for people running away and kb trapping which REALLY ruined the pvp.
Thats your opinion and thats fine.
But when u pvp with those sword do you think there's any skill involved?
Like nerf the swords and the custom enchants can stay.
But the pvp isn't pvp with those swords.
1.8 pvp with those effects would be nice but the swords should be nerfed.
You need to have some skill or atleast the tactics for example I could just backstab crit you, it's not weird that you get 1tabbed then. 1.8 was way better with the custom enchant plugin. Remove neutral or give the neutral world nerfs or something so it's just for building and not a place to keep your spawners.
It seems like you're simply reminiscing on 'the good ol days' when it has always been one-tap pvp, even with assassasins gear. The 1.9 pvp is working great with most custom enchants and I personally haven't found any major issues or disadvantages with it. While the enchants are balanced, the skills are sadly not. The amount of time it takes to max out fighting/archery skills does not go hand in hand with the amount of time you put into maxing out defense/healing skills. This causes a pretty heavy unbalance when pvping in Olympus. A possible solution herefor is nerfing the strength percentage you get from the skills or buffing the defense.

Furthermore I would like to add that the pvp area is great as it is; it's the perfect place to test out your loot without losing it and to meassure and fight your enemies without real consequenses. The absence of pvp claims is the best thing; pvp claims were only used for people running away and kb trapping which REALLY ruined the pvp.
True but maybe for the people that want to get kills without the /skill system remove keep inv for like a few hours a day or a new warp, skills are just kinda broken atm so maybe keep inv off for like 1 hour and then keep Inv on for 1 hour and that all day. (At the warp PvP world)
It seems like you're simply reminiscing on 'the good ol days' when it has always been one-tap pvp, even with assassasins gear. The 1.9 pvp is working great with most custom enchants and I personally haven't found any major issues or disadvantages with it. While the enchants are balanced, the skills are sadly not. The amount of time it takes to max out fighting/archery skills does not go hand in hand with the amount of time you put into maxing out defense/healing skills. This causes a pretty heavy unbalance when pvping in Olympus. A possible solution herefor is nerfing the strength percentage you get from the skills or buffing the defense.

Furthermore I would like to add that the pvp area is great as it is; it's the perfect place to test out your loot without losing it and to meassure and fight your enemies without real consequenses. The absence of pvp claims is the best thing; pvp claims were only used for people running away and kb trapping which REALLY ruined the pvp.
Hey, thats your opinion and its fine ''but the skills are sadly not." I thought the skills weren't active in the warp pvp?
You're also saying that the swords are balanced. I think you didn't experience being attacked with the gswords because you're kingdom is always with 10 in the pvp.
Do you really like this pvp? I think the 1.8 pvp would be much better and 1.8 gaps

The swords aren't balanced because when u get hit ur whole vieuw goes black and other effects.
What Koud said a limit on the special enchantments would be great.

Otherwise you're also talking about the pvp claims at the spawn.
In my experience the pvp claims at spawn was all the pvp that happend, the warp pvp included.

Its not only a skill to hit you're opponent. Fleeing from them on the right time and getting them in an ambush is what happend in the real wars.
The warp pvp really shouldn't be with keep inv because thats just not kingdoms.

Thank for your reply.
It seems like you're simply reminiscing on 'the good ol days' when it has always been one-tap pvp, even with assassasins gear. The 1.9 pvp is working great with most custom enchants and I personally haven't found any major issues or disadvantages with it. While the enchants are balanced, the skills are sadly not. The amount of time it takes to max out fighting/archery skills does not go hand in hand with the amount of time you put into maxing out defense/healing skills. This causes a pretty heavy unbalance when pvping in Olympus. A possible solution herefor is nerfing the strength percentage you get from the skills or buffing the defense.

Furthermore I would like to add that the pvp area is great as it is; it's the perfect place to test out your loot without losing it and to meassure and fight your enemies without real consequenses. The absence of pvp claims is the best thing; pvp claims were only used for people running away and kb trapping which REALLY ruined the pvp.

The good old days we're the good old days.
The assasins gear was the best. Pvping for hours etc yes as i said the crit gems were p2W and not fun to play with
Just the same as the custom 1 tap enchants now.
The good old days we're the good old days.
The assasins gear was the best. Pvping for hours etc yes as i said the crit gems were p2W and not fun to play with
Just the same as the custom 1 tap enchants now.
This is the 3th season with custom enchants and people still play it... Just neutral world's are annoying... Just only make the neutral world for shops or something, not just to keep your 200 spawners safe
This is the 3th season with custom enchants and people still play it... Just neutral world's are annoying... Just only make the neutral world for shops or something, not just to keep your 200 spawners safe
Yes but nerf them so you can pvp and not 1 tap

Don't tell me the custom enchants are asking for pvp skills?
Yes but nerf them so you can pvp and not 1 tap

Don't tell me the custom enchants are asking for pvp skills?
You don't even 1tab every hit or something or kinda never rn, your set prob just sucks xD
Yep PvP is no skill
You don't even 1tab every hit or something or kinda never rn, your set prob just sucks xD
Yep PvP is no skill
I don't know what u want to say with this ''every hit or something or kinda never rn''
Even with just a prot 4 unbrk 3 set u shouldn't be getting 1 tapped?
You can’t go back in the past, a server needs to renew. I am very very sure, if the assassins gear comes back ppl will still dissapointent. You also said the neutral option and pvp enabled in wild is better, the neutral option is not a good idea everyone will choose neutral (same as season 3) but pvp enabled everywhere in wild also the elymius world is a good idea I ll support that idea. And about the costum enchants, there are many ppl that actually like those enchants. (Personally idk) Sometimes I rlly get angry about those enchants but most of the times I like them. About pvp? Maybe some enchants can be nerfed. And about getting one tapt, in pvp zone is there a small change to getting one tapped (with good armor).

O I almost forget but Foxcraft is about economy since a loong time. The last time I didn’t rlly care about money was kingdoms season 2, but since that reset I almost only play for money lmao. So at some points I am agreed with you. But at some other points I am not agreed or you can’t really change it.

It seems like you're simply reminiscing on 'the good ol days' when it has always been one-tap pvp, even with assassasins gear. The 1.9 pvp is working great with most custom enchants and I personally haven't found any major issues or disadvantages with it. While the enchants are balanced, the skills are sadly not. The amount of time it takes to max out fighting/archery skills does not go hand in hand with the amount of time you put into maxing out defense/healing skills. This causes a pretty heavy unbalance when pvping in Olympus. A possible solution herefor is nerfing the strength percentage you get from the skills or buffing the defense.

Furthermore I would like to add that the pvp area is great as it is; it's the perfect place to test out your loot without losing it and to meassure and fight your enemies without real consequenses. The absence of pvp claims is the best thing; pvp claims were only used for people running away and kb trapping which REALLY ruined the pvp.
If there is a way to balance those skills, then it’s a good skill system ppl are doing now like 2.5k damage so if u don’t have a good defense skill. Ur the lul.
Agree, i dont see what the point is in the gamemode kingdom is today.

here is a list of things i think should be changed

-out of 40 player 3 are currently in olympus (also people who dont have a base there). 2 worlds is not fun, the game does't have a kingdom purpose becuase of it (and all the things that come with it). I want to be abled to pvp and raid bases and get better, i think that is what kingdoms is about. if you disagree please tell me what you think kingdoms should be about, i (ofcourse) could be wrong)

-making gear and leveling skills takes way too long becuase of custom enchants and if you dont have max enchants/skills you dont stand a chance aganst other people.

-Fishing used to be the only way to make money but since some people found a exploit it only got worse. the whole economy is fucked.
making normal farms doesn't have a purpose becuase fish sell way more, i like the fishing plugin but its just too overpowered. Compare money made by fishing and money made by a cacti farm for example i mean $8 for a stack of cacti come on. this issue shouldn't be solved by decreasing fish payment but by increasing shop payment. the economy is currently based on buying keys and getting money from it.

-Staff abuses their perms. since i dont have any proof im not gonna say a name but i think most people know who i am talking about. at least 5 times a day i cant fly in my kingdom becuase an enemy is nearby but not in /near. I think its good to check in on players to see if they are playing legit but i dont think people that constantly tp to their enemy's and get base coordinates, strategy's, farming methods etc out of it should be allowed to play.

-even though i dislike custom enchants get razor in the villager trading pool. its just a 10 hour grind for 1 sword which you can lose if you get 1 tapped by a skill grinder but is also too OP in the wrong hands.

-get the /spar command from "the good ol days" back so you can test and compare gear. (this allows the old warp pvp to return)

-All things listed above (except the assasin gear stuff)

-There is not really a kingdom purpose in "kingdoms"
-Even though there is no purpose and you want to do anything you need to grind a few hours
-Staff abuses permissions.

I know i am just a opinion but i think that as a member of Foxcraft for 7+ years i have quite a good impression of the good and bad things.

i hope that a few changes will be made for the people that are still planning on playing.

Have fun ~Dipsy

didnt check grammar etc, dont hate
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