Query: Fortune enchantment changes?

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New Member
Feb 6, 2023
I have to ask - have changes been made to the effectiveness of fortune pickaxes? I have a Fortune III pickaxe, but when I use it in a controlled setting to mine ores (I mine the ores with a silk touch pickaxe, then set up the ores away from lava so that I can measure how much I get from them) I consistently get far less than I should be getting from Fortune III.

Using the table here: https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Fortune

With a stack of 16 Nether Quartz Ore, I should have gotten an average of 2.2 quartz per ore for an average amount of 35 quartz. After mining them, I ended up with 28 quartz.
With a stack of 64 Lapis Lazuli Ore, I should have gotten an average of 14.3 lapis lazuli per ore for an average amount of 915 lapis lazuli. I got 832.
With a stack of 64 Coal Ore, I should have gotten an average of 2.2 coal per ore for an average amount of 140. I got 138.

This all seems relatively like it could just be bad luck... except that this only considers fortune itself. when you consider that I haven't yet included my Spelunking V chance to get 2x drops from ore. That makes it look more like:

Quartz: Expected: 47, got: 28
Lapis: Expected: 1107, got: 832
Coal: Expected: 186, got: 138

Running a new test now that I just got Spelunking VI, which should give me a 48% chance to get x2 drops from ores, I get:

64 coal. Expected: 208. Got: 132
64 coal. Expected: 208. Got: 161
64 coal. Expected: 208. Got: 148

With these, I got slightly more than previous tests... just barely edging me up above average for using only Fortune III, and not at all close to my numbers that I should be getting with Spelunking VI.

Am I missing something with my expectations, here?
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It is also possible that player-placed blocks will have a lower fortune rate. I have seem similar things done for piston pushed blocks.

I would be curious what the results are if you place the blocks and then let them sit until they no longer register as placed/pushed - though I do not know what that time limit is.
It is also possible that player-placed blocks will have a lower fortune rate. I have seem similar things done for piston pushed blocks.

I would be curious what the results are if you place the blocks and then let them sit until they no longer register as placed/pushed - though I do not know what that time limit is.
no thats luckily not the case because naturally generated ores or ores generated via the cobble gen are also dropping less
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