Raiders on kd vallhala are a bad idea

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New Member
Aug 18, 2022
We have kd empire to raid but everyone plays kdvallhala again and i think adding raiders to the unraideble kd is a bad idea with that its the unraideble kd serv
People could over claim parts of your base with it. If you get raided people can raid te raided claim and steel a part of your base. I think it's a fun idea but make sure people can't raid your base that way.
People could over claim parts of your base with it. If you get raided people can raid te raided claim and steel a part of your base. I think it's a fun idea but make sure people can't raid your base that way.
So make sure to make extra layers of claims around your base if cloak is not gonna fix that.
People could over claim parts of your base with it. If you get raided people can raid te raided claim and steel a part of your base. I think it's a fun idea but make sure people can't raid your base that way.
Agreed, this would make the “pve” play style that kingdoms Valhalla is supposed to be and turn it into people snaking claims
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