10$ Giveaway!

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Jan 18, 2021
Hello Everyone,

I just found a 10$ giftcard and i don't need something on a gamemode so i decided to give it away!:eek:

How To Win?

1. Like this post
2. Follow my account
3. Explain why you want to win
5. tell what your mc username is
4. Tell what your discord is

This will end at 11-4-2022 11 AM.
O almost forget, share it <3

More + bigger Giveaways are comming
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I want to win beaceause mutch of my minions are despawned and i hope i can get some minions

UserName = Ohnate_

Discord = Ohante_#4703

Every one Suc6
I would really love to win this because I took a break and just started again! Really could use the giftcard! :)
ign: yeahyeahxd
discord: yeahyeahxd#5995
why i want to win is because i can really use it to get a better rank on survival and im a friend of you and we have done many trades on oneblock and want to do more in the future so it would be nice to win and i can trade you another foxgod kit on glacier
my ign is poema05 and my discord is poema05#1150
Hello Everyone,

I just found a 10$ giftcard and i don't need something on a gamemode so i decided to give it away!:eek:

How To Win?

1. Like this post
2. Follow my account
3. Explain why you want to win
5. tell what your mc username is
4. Tell what your discord is

This will end at 11-4-2022 11 AM.
O almost forget, share it <3

More + bigger Giveaways are comming
I want to win because i rlly need some keys my mc user is Pandaabeer
Discord: Pandaa#0420
I want to win because i wanna do a big giveaway as a goodbye to this server
ign: Tempestz_
discord: Sleepy#2898
Mc Name: Misterskeepy1
Discord Name: MisterSkeepy1#6877
i want to win for rank crates keys to give it to no rank people and for my friends :D
Hello Everyone,

I just found a 10$ giftcard and i don't need something on a gamemode so i decided to give it away!:eek:

How To Win?

1. Like this post
2. Follow my account
3. Explain why you want to win
5. tell what your mc username is
4. Tell what your discord is

This will end at 11-4-2022 11 AM.
O almost forget, share it <3

More + bigger Giveaways are comming

my mc name is NyoInnit
My discord is NyoInnit#9898
i wanna win so i can finally buy a fortune crate key and a rank crate key for a freind
  • Like
Reactions: Jordy_04
I want to win because i am new to oneblock glacier and i am havingg a hard time starting so it would really help me out a lot.
ign: Jarwz
discord: Syronicc (G1)#0979
i want to win because im poor and want to buy ranks for friends and some keys to give away to players
ign xDark_Simp
Discord IGotRqkt_#8967
Hello Everyone,

I just found a 10$ giftcard and i don't need something on a gamemode so i decided to give it away!:eek:

How To Win?

1. Like this post
2. Follow my account
3. Explain why you want to win
5. tell what your mc username is
4. Tell what your discord is

This will end at 11-4-2022 11 AM.
O almost forget, share it <3

More + bigger Giveaways are comming
i wana win so i can buy fortune keys so i can claim my private island
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