How to change Kingdoms to Kingdoms

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Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2020
Almost everyone that plays kingdoms wants a reset or that neutral goes away, so here is how you can change that without a reset.
You can't do anything about the glitches with swords in pvp becouse then no one can make them and only some people will be strong.
Raids in kingdoms is the most important thing so the way how you can fix that is delete neutral and give everyone a two week shield since the moment that someone in the kingdom logged on. That makes it so big neutral bases that are on holidays cant be raided in the time they were gone. That change will fix the biggest part of kingdoms so its like last season again.
Also no one likes mana give us recource points D:
My Englisch is not the best sorry
I dont get the hate for manna its the same as reasorce points it just neets to be cheaper to buy
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