Can anyone tell me how to craft minnion

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Hello Minions could not be crafted but with the new release of Skyblock it is possible to craft androids by using the Slime Fun options.
On You Tube there are several short explanations how this is working.
But keep in mind that slime Fun takes a lot of time and you must grind your resources from other blocks.
The best way to go forward is to set your mind on a specific Android (or something slimefunnier for you)
And go backwards in the guide so you learn about the basic materials and machines.
From here you can work your way up to your droidy.

use /sf guide for an ingame guide of the possibilities what you can create.

But the most fun of slimefun I kept to the end.
all the slime fun creations needs to be unlocked by using your XP.
XP bottles and XP farms are a big help to reach your goals.

I hope this helps and keeps your head above the slime - Have FUN
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