villager chunkcap

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New Member
Apr 25, 2020
Dear Foxcraft staff team,

I have been gone for a while but when I came back there was a new thing called chunk check. I understand that you are trying to reduce the lag as much as possible but is this really necessary? It is quite annoying when you have built a villager trade hall and it turns out it is all way too close to each other and you have to not only rethink the places, you will also have to move villagers which is an awful thing to do, especially when you thought you were finally done with it. I am not an expert but to me, it seems like there is no difference between 10 villagers in one chunk or spread out to two. I hope you can at least give a good argumentation why this cap is so low and maybe raise it to 8 or 10, it is already so difficult to work with villagers.
Thank you for your time,


  • 2021-10-30_14.29.49.png
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  • 2021-10-30_14.29.41.png
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little note: I tested if the villager curing is fixed but, still the same results (only the first time they reduce their prices)

Make a villager hall that separates them more, cloakfox doesn't have any intentions on increasing it
You don't know what you are talking about...
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