How to prevent RSI when giving the field back to the farmers

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Dec 10, 2018
Dear all,

Minecraft is one of those games which playing to much it will give you a stressfull arm/hand and shoulder.
The doctor called it RSI - I just called it painful

I really was happy with the World Edit commands //set <name of the block>
But after I return from my holiday season I noticed that //set Nether_wart and //set Sand are not working again.
This means I had to do this all by hand and this will stimulate my RSI to reach the "paracetamol stadium"
I already planted 75 fields (33x33) by hand and did 125 field with worldedit I want to breakoff my is and do it all over again.
But my RSI is killing me when I just push the button and stear all over the fields to plant.

Dear Cloakfox Is it possible you enable the commands again.
I had to give 100 Farmers their field and brak the same amount to the ground.

Thanks and if you visit me - remember I have some birthday cake for you!

With kind regards
One shot, One opportunity ...
His palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy
There's vomit on his sweater already, mom's spaghetti
He's nervous, but on the surface he looks calm and ready
To drop bombs, but he keeps on forgettin'
O dear - is that a solution to prevent RSI - just use worldedit to get a ban.

- Salvation always lies within
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