"Newbie" Really? :/

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New Member
Mar 20, 2016
I've been on fox for like 3 years. Posted a decent amount of posts I feel yet I'm still classified as a "Newbie." I think I deserve at least member or known member cause I am known by 100s of people. I feel betrayed :(. How do I surpass this "Newbie" rank I fna
I've been on fox for like 3 years. Posted a decent amount of posts I feel yet I'm still classified as a "Newbie." I think I deserve at least member or known member cause I am known by 100s of people. I feel betrayed :(. How do I surpass this "Newbie" rank I fna
You need to be more active on forums, Old player or not, that's how you achieve it.
Just keep posting... When you get like 50 post you'll be an "active member"! :D
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