Someone has/had access to my ender chest and messed with my base. Not sure if it was an admin or I was hacked somehow.

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New Member
Dec 26, 2018
Yeah basically what the title says. I’ve never experienced this in a survival server and while normally I would say it’s just plain griefers I noticed that whatever this player did is something most players can’t do. I know that it’s partly my fault for not checking in time to see if my claim expired but to me this isn’t a normal griefing and I’m wondering if my account was compromised in some way. Or if someone else had/has access to my claims or something. Has anyone ever dealt with a similar situation on this server or another server?

Here’s what I’m mostly worried about:
  • What concerns me the most: they removed stuff from my ender chest, placed other items in there instead and renamed some of my items that they didn’t steal and left behind.
  • They killed my pet parrot and replaced it with a bat and gave it a name tag named “Parrot”. I’m weirded out by this because the bat isn’t flying at all and keeps making parrot sounds instead of bat sounds. It even looks as if it’s sitting like how a parrot sits. They didn’t kill my dogs and they left my farm animals alone interestingly enough.
  • Left hay blocks everywhere. I can’t build/place other types of blocks on top of them, but if I destroy one block it gives me all 16 of them at once?
  • Didn’t really remove items from my normal chests, but this person was able to break and take the lectern I had crafted and placed a book and quill on, and then somehow put the book and quill in my ender chest for me to find?
Can admins access people's ender chests? That's what I'm most worried about, I didn't even notice that was possible. And if that is the case, then is it against the server rules for an admin to mess around with my stuff in my ender chest?
Can admins access people's ender chests? That's what I'm most worried about, I didn't even notice that was possible. And if that is the case, then is it against the server rules for an admin to mess around with my stuff in my ender chest?
Not sure what happened with your items, but yes, that would very much be abusive without reasoning. And I can assure you no Admin has messed with your enderchest. :P
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