I got banned for no reason help!

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New Member
Apr 2, 2021
Okay. I am going to make this quick and simple. So basically I got on Foxcraft. I usually only kingdoms, so like usual, I went on kingdoms. I joined the gamemode and started talking to my friend from another kingdom endernub4life. He wanted to see something so like a normal friend I obviously did /tpahere [playername]. When he tped to me though. I got banned from not just kingdoms. But, Foxcraft all together. The banned screen said to type on fourms. Am I doing this wrong.

Please help me, I just wanted to play some Foxcraft. It's literally the only server I played on and I already used a ton of money on the server.

Also, I typed in players just in case you needed that. You probably didn't but whatever.
I sent the ban appeal. I will message this thread again if something fails. It shouldn't fail. VMB0 you are a true life savior.
i was banned for no reason 2 dont worry create an army like me and fight for an unban!
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