Event Parkour Competition

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Known Member
Sep 14, 2020
United Kingdom

Foxcraft // Parkour Competition

Our next Competition/Event is a Parkour Competition! This event is for the skilled parkour enthusiasts or those who want to practice your parkour skills. You've all seen Parkour within the Hub, a lot of you have partaken and have very high scores within /parkour top. We will be using this plugin for the event and thus your previous scores have been reset (however the database has not been deleted so we will revert back to this once the Competition is over, so don't worry about your old scores!). For those who have not played the parkour in the hub, to partake in this event all you need to do is load into the Foxcraft hub and type /parkour, blocks will then start to appear in front of you.

This event will last for 2 weeks, meaning the scores will be final Saturday, 28th November.

We have prizes for top 5 parkour score, these are as follows; 1st Place ($20 store giftcard); 2nd Place ($15 store giftcard); 3rd Place ($10 store giftcard); 4th Place ($5 store giftcard); 5th Place ($5 store giftcard).

NOTE To view top 5 parkour scores type /parkour top in hub

Good Luck, any questions let me know.

Kind Regards,
Chris [Foxcraft Management]
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Haha! Good Competition, I Am Happy To Join, However, I Will Have To Leave My Sister For The Competition Which I'm Willing To Do! Gl And Hf Everyone!
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