It has been well over a year since we introduced the Kingdoms gamemode to the Foxcraft network and it was a huge success. It's now finally time to announce the many changes that have been made to the kingdoms gamemode and let you guys know when it's releasing!
The new battle for land might and glory will start upcoming Friday on 25-09-2020 at 4PM CEST
Click here to see when it releases for your timezone
What will you keep?
You will only keep your rank.
If you have recently (previous 2 months) purchased other kingdoms store items you will be eligible to receive store credit in the form of a store giftcard for compensation. Feel free to create a payment support ticket after the release to get compensated! (please note: it can take up to 48 hours for a response)
New spawn & warzone:
Build by @Quorafied
Notable features & updates:
- New spawn & warzone
- Updated to 1.16.3
- 1.8 combat
- Over 200 vanilla like enchants that can be obtained through normal enchanting, villagers, loot in chests & more
- Artifacts (Cosmetic effects that can be applied to weapons & tools)
- Revamped Kingdoms plugin
- Nations (Kingdoms can join a nation now, kingdoms inside a nation are allied)
- Disabled pacifism (You can no longer go neutral, it has caused to many issues on the previous setup and fully fixing them was to much work or just not viable)
- Added mob & player head drops
- Revamped Envoys (Completely new envoy rewards) (Envoy flares can be obtained from the vote crate, pinata crate & fortune crate)
- Revamped crates
- Revamped help menu (following the style of our current flagship modes)
- Revamped minions
- Revamped pinata rewards
- Removed OP armor, weapons & custom items system
- Removed token enchants
- Removed player warps (not really useful in this gamemode)
- Added bounties
- Revamped auctions with physical auction displays at spawn
- Made economy harder
- McMMO (no abilities in warzone) (balanced)
- New rank perks (not public yet) https://store.mcfoxcraft.com/
- New store items (not public yet) https://store.mcfoxcraft.com/
Newly created kingdoms will be protected from invasion for 7 days, this gives everybody time to build up defenses and forge alliances and perhaps join a nation! The 200 or so new enchants are well balanced and pretty much every enchant can be countered by another enchant. They can be obtained from normal enchanting through enchantment tables, trading with villagers, looting various dungeons or through crates & envoys, these last two obviously provide more rare and or more powerful enchants, but all enchants are 100% available through vanilla game mechanics.
We have heavily lowered the sell prices of all items in /shop in an attempt to make the economy more balanced and push other options to make money. Like doing jobs and making auction listings. The new auctions system provides players with full control to customise their listings, you can for example change the duration of the auction or enable binning on the listing. Binning is where any user can instantly win a listing by paying the bin amount.
Kingdoms will have to pay taxes (upkeep) in order to prevent their kingdom from getting disbanded by the server. Taxes increase based on the amount of land the kingdom owns.
World Border details:
Overworld: 10.000 x 10.000 (will get expanded to 15.000 x 15.000 after approx 6 months)
Nether: 2.500 x 2.500 (will reset multiple times after launch)
End: 2.500 x 2.500 (will reset multiple times after launch)
Since we tend to let our gamemodes run quite some time before actually resetting them we will slowly increase the worldborder over time aswell to a max of 20.000 x 20.000
Kingdoms will reset upcoming Friday on 25-09-2020 at 4PM CEST
Kind regards,
PS: Did you know that kingdoms was released in March 2019? Time flies.
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