Hello, I'm Ratt. I am new to your server and I have a few questions if I may. Why is it I cannot craft some items like the crook or the bonsai pot? Seems a bit odd that they are in the list when I search for them but I cannot craft them. A few bugs too like on occasion my chests are empty when I open them and full other times I open them. Some of my chests only have slots for a single when they are clearly supposed to be a double. (figured out how to fix this issue
) When I craft a stone slab it appears to be a cobblestone slab instead but changes the skin to the stone slab after I place it. I have no idea if the item skin in my inventory being a cobblestone instead of a stone would interfere with crafting if I need to use it in a recipe because I have not needed to yet. I can't make a saddle either 
I am happy to post my issues in the bug reports area but I wanted to make sure if they were known or unknown bugs before doing so as I am new and don't know the way around your server yet

I am happy to post my issues in the bug reports area but I wanted to make sure if they were known or unknown bugs before doing so as I am new and don't know the way around your server yet

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